Chapter 5: Expect The Unexpected

Start from the beginning

There was a long awkward pause between the two brothers that lasted for a few moments.

That's until the younger one spluttered in a seemingly unsure tone "Ummm...OK...whatever you say, Elder Brother!"

He then retreated back in his seat, took his chopsticks and continued with his meal. This in term made Indra let out a quiet sigh and raise his head to meet his Father's gaze. The man just gave him a slight nod, leading him to nod as well in agreement in reply.

"Besides, how is she even gonna eat anyway, when she's got those bandages wrapped around her mouth" Ashura laughed.

And with that, he began laughing with his mouthfull. But despite how hilarious he seemingly sounded, to him that is, his father and brother just remained with blank and emotionless faces as he continued to laugh.

"Ashura, I don't think that was funny!" Indra sighed as he placed a hand over his face.

"OK! OK! Sorry!" He apologized.

He then tilted his platter up a bit with it's edge close to his open lips and began scooping up the remaining bits of his food into his mouth with just the use of his chopsticks.

When he was finished, he then placed down the now empty dish on the table with the chopsticks atop it's mouth, squeezed his eyes shut, loudly clapped both his hands together twice and yelled "It was quite a feast!"

Afterwards, he then suddenly let out a tiny sneeze, sniffing back in the goo that so happens to drop down from one of his nostrils. This tiny little action has somewhat raised the red flags in the older brother's mind, caused the his body to jerk a bit whilst he was in the middle of his own thanksgiving prayer. For some reason, panic then suddenly filled his entire body, making him to run around the table, drop in his knees in front of his little brother and place a hand on his forehead.

"I knew something like this would happen. Ashura, you're having a cold!" He said shockingly worriedly and panicked.

Despite the surprise he was filled with on how his brother is acting this way all of a sudden, he loudly sniffed once more, Ashura managed to reassuringly reply "Don't worry Elder Brother, it's just a little sneeze! So there's absolutely nothing to-"

He then cut himself off when he began coughing loudly and uncontrollably before letting out a frustrated moan.

As for his brother, his eyes were tightly shut during his coughing fit, so he opened one eye and said in a sarcastic tone "A little sneeze, right!"

Sniffing for the third time, he apologized groggily "Sorry, Elder Brother!"

Most people would normally scold him for coughing right in front of him, but it was a good thing his big brother wasn't most people. So he just made his signature gentle smile across his face, placed a hand above the boy's head and began ruffling his hair.

"It's fine Ashura!"

With that, he then slowly adjusted himself to his little brother's side, wrapped an arm from around the boy's shoulder and slowly stood up with his little brother within his arms and with his support.

"C'mon, Ashura! Let's get you to bed!" He then turned to the older man as he watched him sip his tea from his yunomi cup and added "Father, we'll be leaving now. Good night!"

Indra waited for no reply from him and immediately made his way out of the room, but slowly to make sure his little brother does not stumble along the way. Certain that his two sons were now finally gone, he then placed down the cup in his hand unto the table and couldn't help but to curve a smirk on his lips as well.

A Tale Of True Demons - Book 1: Innocence Begone (Indra Otsutsuki)Where stories live. Discover now