爱 - Part 1/?

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   Ok, so ever since I went to China this summer, I have been wanting to write this fic. I took a bunch of notes when planning this story, and imagined 100+ scenarios. Finally I'm writing it. The moodboard above is compiled Pictures that I took (Minus the ones of Chloe and Ming)
   Notice: I did a ton of research for this. Chloe Bennet is Shanghainese, and I wanted to address that in this fic, even though Daisy's canon mother is from Hunan.
During my visit to China, I also came across a few obstacles being an American. Seeing that as Daisy is raised in America, I wanted her to also experience the same surprises that I experienced and loved.
    This is in no way offensive to any race, and Daisy being mixed races played a role in this fic as well. If there is anyone who finds any cultural or lingual mistakes, please point them out. I want this as accurate as possible.

Also, this was copy-and-pasted from Google Docs and I am to lazy to paragraph indent all this. 


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Daisy had wanted to learn more about her heritage, and Melinda had wanted to escape the base for some time, and so that's how Phil Coulson ended up boarding a regular civilian plane for the 17 hour flight to Shanghai.

He had been sitting in this airport for way too long, and Melinda had fallen asleep in her seat, Daisy between them. Daisy was wearing long pajama pants -she had learned over the last couple years that there was no shame in being unpresentable on a long plane ride. Melinda was wearing her jeans and t-shirt. But Phil has sided with Daisy, comfy clothes for the both of them.

They had decided on the look of a family on vacation, celebrating their daughter finally finishing college. The trio effortlessly slid into the act out of precaution.

There was no problems along the way, besides Phil trying to offer Melinda Starbucks of all places, dutifully reminding her she could get tea instead. Daisy got a latte and Phil opted for a mocha. He defiantly got Melinda a cup of lemongrass tea. She thanked him. (Phil took that as a good sign)

Boarding the plane was eventless, Melinda dodging to take a peek into the cockpit. Phil watched as the pilot and co-pilot slowly turned their heads back to look at the intimidating woman. "Fix your pressure gauge," was all she said, "it's too high for the elevation you're taking off from."

The pilot immediately frowned at her as if to say, 'I'm the pilot, I know what I'm doing', then glanced at the gauge. He looked surprised and flicked the glass cover, the meter waving back. The co-pilot nodded.

"Sorry, my wife likes planes." Phil chuckled and waved. Daisy shuffled aboard behind them.

Finding their seats, Phil folded his arms in frustration when he found that the seating had been rearranged, with an aisle between him and the girls. He was stuck beside a new mother and who he assumed was the father of the baby. The worst part? He was between the couple. Offering to change seats, the young man gratefully thanked Phil and took the middle seat, Phil getting the aisle.

Takeoff seemed smooth, even through Melinda pointing out every inconsistency to Daisy, who was a tired, but attentive, listener.

Five hours into the flight and Phil had already taken two naps and tuned out three wailing sessions from the baby beside him.

"Holding up?" Melinda grinned. Phil could practically see the stress leaving her as she slipped into the reality of being on vacation, a rare thing for them.

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