I'll Fall in Love With You Every New Day - Part 1

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   Aaaaaaaaand here we go again . . . Holy crap this never-ending hiatus is making me addicted to writing angst. So I'll write some good 'ole crackangst for you all. This is heavily inspired by a fic I read once on Ao3 but I couldn't find anything to pay the dues to.

   Note: Play this song while you read to increase your chances of bawling with two sides of pain and cussing me out in anger! 

   2nd Note: Please don't cuss me out in anger. (Even though you'll really want to) But I promise no one dies!



    --------- -:x:- ---------

    (Three months earlier)

    The second Melinda opened her eyes, Phil knew something was wrong. "Where am I?!" She growled, adding in some colorful language that Coulson chose to ignore.

    "You're in the Zephyr's Medical Bay." He answered, relaxing as she sighed, but then frowned. "Who are you?"

   "Phil Coulson." He answered in a heartbeat as he grew more confused. "You're probably a little woozy from the meds."

   "Meds? What happened? Why am I here? What is 'Zephyr Medical Bay'? I don't know anyone named 'Phil Coulson'." Melinda glared.

   Phil went silent. This has to be the meds. "JEMMAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" He called, and the young biochemist rushed in. "Whats wrong?" She asked.

   "I don't know, but something's off with May. She's never reacted this way to meds." Phil told her, and May was frowning at them from the bed. "So what do you think is wrong?" Jemma asked, heading over to May, who tried to pull away until Jemma explained to her that she was Melinda's doctor.

   "May. . . can't remember anything." Phil told her.

   "I'm not surprised. Such a concussion can cause temporary or short term memory loss." Jemma said slowly. 

    "You don't understand, Simmons. May doesn't know who I am. She'd never forget me."


    "Is it true?" Daisy asked slowly, coming to stand by her boss, looking at him. He was watching intently as Simmons interviewed May. His brow was furrowed and his blue eyes were fixed on Melinda's form. "Yeah. She doesn't remember a thing." Phil sighed. "Jemma's ordered that she get an MRI scan."

   "Yikes." Daisy nodded, biting her lip as she observed the director. "You should go." She nodded. "Go get some sleep or something." Phil glanced at her momentarily, and shook his head. "I'm fine."

    "You've been sleeping on that crappy cot in the corner for the last week, and I'm pretty sure I saw those sweatpants and tee-shirt yesterday." Daisy countered. "And when was your last meal?" Phil's silence answered for her. Melinda's coma had been hard on everyone. Not because of May directly, but because nobody had been officially running the base for the last week."Yeah, you should go and, uh, shower or something." Daisy pressed her teeth together. "I'll come for you if anything happens."


    She didn't know what was going on.  "May, I'm going to give you some painkillers now," The woman who claimed to be her doctor, known as 'Simmons' or 'Jemma', told her.

   Melinda frowned, still panting from the MRI. "I didn't like that," She told Jemma. "I'm sure you didn't," Simmons nodded. "MRI's aren't very fun." 

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