Peggy Carter's Secret

857 37 27

Also titled: Take Care of my Boy


Prompted by Kirimilliganhadlen, "Could you write something based on the headcanon that Peggy is Phil's mother? And since in this AU Pegs is not dead, Phil takes Mel to visit his mum?


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"Captain America and Iron Man saved everyone." Daisy said in awe. It had only been a day since everyone who had been dusted had returned, and the team around her stood dumbstruck as they talked with Fury on a video chat Daisy used.

"And that's not all. Reports are telling us that Captain rogers was sent back to return some things from the past, and he stayed there." Fury said over the secured line.

"Stayed where?" Phil quickly asked.

"The 1940s." Fury sighed. "Mr. Barns briefed us on the whole thing."

"Wait . . ." Phil starting to process that, "So if time travel happened, that meant that he must have gone back to the '40s and lived the rest of his life with Peggy Carter?"

"But Peggy Carter loved Daniel Sousa." Jemma said.

"I need to research this." Phil said. "Let me do some digging. I'll find him."


"Phil, you might want to see this." a whisper broke his concentration, Melinda was suddenly by his side, holding a box of ancient files. She set the box on their bed, pulling out the manilla folders stamped with the SSR insignia.

"-Margret Carter Rogers-

Children: two unnamed males, one unnamed female.

Husband: Steven Rogers"

It read on the first page. The second was jaw-dropping, "After Captain Steven 'Captain America' Rogers' mysterious return, Agent carter married him in secret and continued to work at the SSR soon to be S.H.I.E.L.D. with her maiden name until her retirement. Her life with Steve was kept secret under the cover names, "Robert and Julie Coulson." Their three children were never aware of their father's identity, and have been kept under that cover their entire lives. Few S.H.I.E.L.D. were aware of Robert Coulson's true identity, those including Agent Margaret Carter, Agent Nicholas Fury, Agent Maria Hill, Agent Victoria Hand, Agent Michael Dancoff, Agent Omar Cortez, Agent . . ."

Phil stopped reading. "Holy. . . Captain America, my dad-" Phil stuttered. I never recognized him in the comics as a kid and I'd forgotten by the time I met him on the helicarrier. . . I thought he died when I was nine."

"Keep reading." Melinda bit her lip.

"In the summer of 1972 serious threats were made to Margaret and Steven Rogers family and to America demanding Steven Roger's capture, so in order to protect the Captain America and his super soldier serum enhancements, his death was faked to everyone except Agent Nicolas Fury, Agent Margaret Carter, Agent Maria Hill, and Agent Victoria Hand. Agent Margret Carter's children were not informed of their father's true condition."

Phil sat back in his seat with a dull thud. He rubbed his face with his hands. "My father. . . Robert Coulson. . . he was Captain America." Phil stuttered. "Fury has known this whole time who I was and how this all would end."

"I don't think your father messed with the timeline, because he was already part of it." Melinda placed a hand on his back.

"I need to go see my mom." Phil said, taking a big breath. "Come with me?"

"Of course." Melinda smiled.

----- -:x:- -----

(June, 1984)

"Please, take care of my boy." The older woman smiled.

"I won't do anything you wouldn't do, Peggy." Melinda smirked, readjusting her duffle bag on her shoulder.

"I know, and I trust you, Agent May, but I don't trust Phillip." Peggy worried, "Every since his father's. . . death, he has never been quite the same."

"I can understand." Melinda nodded.

------ -:x:- -----

As soon as Phil and Melinda walked through, their eyes adjusted to the light to see an elderly man sitting by the bed where Margret Carter Rogers laid. "Dad?" Phil's mouth fell open.

"Hey, son." The old man stood, coming closer. "I know what you've done. You're a true hero, boy."

"Thank you." Phil broke down, crying.

"You know, I realize now that your mother and I named you after you."

"What?" Phil jerked up.

"You think I didn't remember the young agent who gushed every word and watched me sleep like a creep?" Steve smiled. "I suggested that our cover name be Coulson, and when you were born, your mother wanted you to be named 'Phillip'. Of course I hadn't told her about my life in 2013 through 2023." He grinned. "It ended up being a twist of fate that we named our son after you, our son."

"Is my middle name from Sergeant Barnes?" Phil squeaked.

"Caught us red handed." Steve nodded, placing a hand on Phil's shoulder before hugging him.

On the other side of the room, Peggy smiled as Melinda approached her. "Thank you for taking care of my boy." She smiled, whispering.

"No problem. You were my SO, it was the best way to repay you."

"You kinda liked me too!" Phil interrupted.

"You and I seemed to hit the jackpots of our time, huh?" Steve laughed.

"One question, do I have Super Serum in me?" Phil asked.

"What do you think?" Peggy asked.

"It isn't the reason I'm a SHIELD agent, is it?" Phil asked, wondering aloud.

"SHIELD tested you right after you were born." Steve shook his head. "No, the serum only enhanced who you were, your personality, not your Physique."

"To bad." Melinda shrugged in amusement.

"I have a proposition for you, Agent May." Steve walked forward, "Will you do the honor of becoming my daughter in law?"

"What?" My blinked.

"STEVE!!!" Peggy rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"Did you just. . ." Phil stuttered with a blush creeping up his cheeks, "Propose to May for me?"

"What the bloody blue blazes were you thinking-" Peggy groaned.

"What?" Steve folded his arms, "SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT."

----- -:x:- -----

(end credit scene)

"What. The. Heck." Daisy's mouth dropped open. "So because You guys adopted me, PEGGY FRIGGIN CRATER IS MY GRANDMA?!?!"

"Well, yes." May nodded.

"AND FRIGGIN CAPTAIN AMERICA IS MY GRANDPA?!?!" Daisy gasped, staring at the elderly couple.

"No fair!" Jemma whimpered.

"I used to stare at his butt! I had a crush on him!" Daisy pantomimed wiping off her tongue with both hands.

"Hey." Old steve chuckled, "This is America's A-"


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