Countdown to love

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Okay, I just smashed two AUs together, so let be explain both of them:

Wings AU: Everyone has a pair of wings like angels. The more you are loved and supported, the larger they are. The more you are neglected or abused or ignored, the smaller they are. This means that kids with smaller wings usually have friends with larger ones because their friends' parents love the other kid in place of the kid's parents/family. Married couples practically display the state of their relationship through the condition of their wings. Very few much-loved people can fly (celebrities, close families, heroes). Wings can be any color(s) from Blue to white to black to brown. Color has no meaning, it is genetic.

Countdown Soulmate AU: Everyone is born with a number on their wrist, which counts down the miles until they meet their soulmate, therefore, soulmates have the exact same number at birth. The second someone is born, the number on their wrist is photographed, it's almost like a second social security number. Kids run in circles just to watch the numbers go down. The numbers are always different, one famous story about two babies born in rooms next to each other with only 0.0007 on their wrists, and they met for the first time in the hallway thirty minutes later. You get the jist. Some people are born with roman numerals, some with the modern numeral system, or even with other styles of counting.


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Taking a deep breath, SHIELD cadet Melinda May ran a little harder, breathing in through her nose, out through her mouth. The cool morning mist was slowly being burned away by the newly awoken sun. Closing her eyes briefly as she turned the bend in the running path, Melinda failed to hear the second pair of footsteps before she collided with someone.

Hitting the dirt with a smart sting in her cheek, Melinda rolled over and jumped up. She looked down to the backside of another cadet facedown in the gravel. "Sorry." She said.

"Wait." He rolled over, "You alright?" The young man asked, sitting up and ruffling his wings. Melinda refused to acknowledge how beautiful they were. Large fawny brown and soft with streaks and spots of white cream where long streams of light blue peaked through his primaries, melting into a more definite blue at the tips, the same color as his eyes.

"I'm fine." Melinda blinked, reaching a hand down and pulling him up. "You're bleeding!" He said with alarm, reaching up a hand to touch her cheek. "Oh sorry. . ." He suddenly froze, staring at his wrist then her again, back and forth.

Melinda looked. Right there on his wrist was a slowly fading roman numeral that disappeared. Melinda ripped the athlete band off her wrist. On her own was a melting Zero.

"You're my soulmate." The man gasps.

"Cool, nice to meet you, soulmate. I'll just be on my way now." Melinda rolled her eyes. She didn't believe in soulmates. They were just random ties in nature that held no true meaning. One didn't have to love their soulmate. Sure, there were thousands of love stories out there, but one of her childhood friends had even found out that their soulmate had died at birth, the same numbers on their wrists the only tie between them. And that was just one example. Now her friend was an unmatchable and living the most lonely miserable life. So no, Melinda didn't believe in 'Soulmate happily ever after'.

"Wait!" He touches her arm, "I don't even know your name."

"Melinda. Melinda May." She nods.

"Phil Coulson." The man nods, his wings fluttering nervously. "What school are you in?"

"Second-year-Operations." Melinda's smaller wings hugging her shoulders. Why is she still talking?

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