Season 6 - Part 1

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    Holy crap that teaser was intense!!!!!! 

    So here I am, teetering Between depression and mental instability, hoping I get my sanity back. I was perfectly happy surviving in my bubble of denial and #Coulsonlives theories. 

    But nooooooooo... Marvel had to spell it out for me in four awful words and a cryptic teaser.

   So, ya know what? I'm gonna take what the teaser gave me, and write what they are deceiving me on what they want me to think that will happen.


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   Melinda May stood at attention in SHIELD director Alphonso Mackenzie's office. 

   "I was there until the very end." Melinda told him.

   "I'm glad you got a little time together." Mack softly answered, scanning the papers in his hands.

    "I got more than we thought we would." May's voice was close to breaking as she stared at the wall. Gulping, May held back the tears that threatened to reveal themselves. She was back here, at the lighthouse, far, far away from the sunny Tahitian island.

   When The transmission came through for the team to come for May, it was a quiet, Solemn day. Daisy had hugged the mourning woman, and Melinda simply nodded, returning to join the fight. So here she was, ready to go with Jemma to get Fitz. Ever since Enoch sent them coordinates, the young biochemist had been on her toes to retrieve him.

    A strange container floating in orbit had been picked up on S.H.i.E.L.D.'s scanners, and brought down to earth. Once opened, the package was clearly from Enoch. Inside was some kind of message and engine. 

   'This is to help you come for Fitz." The message read. The engineers had fitted the alien tech onto the zephyr, and it was tested to be very powerful.

    "I... I just want to make sure that your'e really ready for the field." Mack Told May. Melinda knew what he really meant; Do you really want to go watch someone else be reunited with their love while your'e still in the wake of losing yours?

   "I'm ready."

--- -:x:- ---

   When Phil Coulson opened his eyes, he was panicked. Where was he? Is this what death feels like?

   Wait, he had died?

   Yeah, with Mel at his side.

    Mel? Whose that? Where did that name come from? A silhouette of a woman passed through his memory but flashed away within seconds, leaving no trace that he had even had the image.

    No idea where that crazy thought came from. He wasn't dead, obviously. Silly him.

    Phil -at least he knew his name, Phillip J. Coulson, born.... well, he couldn't remember- stood still in some drab grey room. 

   Suddenly, a strange voice came from behind him, "your'e... from shield."

   Shield? What? "Never heard of it," Phil answered, turning around slightly. 

--- -:x:- ---

   "Alright, bring us on up, May." Daisy nodded, watching Melinda pilot the Zephyr up into earth's atmosphere.  The space-proof plane soared up into orbit, and Jemma happily did the honors of plugging in the location that Enoch had sent them.

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