She's my Light(house)

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This is dedicated to @Anayaforever, who suggested this fic! This is gonna be short. (Sorry)


   ---------- -:x:- ----------

  Phil stumbled into the dark, littered room. Scenes of a fight were left on the floor. He spotted wreckage, a bloodied pipe, and a jacket jumbled on the floor. He didn't have to examine it to know it's owner. Melinda May. The woman he was desperately looking for.

   Scooping it up, he dusted it off, and carried it along with him. He would find May. His May.


 (Fast forward to when they are locked up by Kree)

     Still holding the jacket, Phil stood in the iron cell with Daisy and Jemma. He was thinking about Melinda. Hoping that she hadn't been eaten by one of those things that took the other guy, who recognized him for some reason. The cell door opened, breaking his train of thought.

   The door opened, and he looked up. "May." He breathed. He wanted to run to her, embrace her, pepper her face with kisses, to hold her and never let go, and keep her by his side for the rest of his life. And he could see the same reflecting in her eyes. 

   But there were people around them.

   Can't exactly do that with your kids watching.

   They just settled for a quick hug.

    That was a little disappointing.

    Phil looked her over. She was holding her leg, and a wound slowly lost blood as she limped. There was a crude bandage around it, and it hurt Phil to see her in pain.

   He held up her jacket. May lightly smiled, and she turned around, waiting. Phil smiled. She lifted her arms, shoving them down the sleeves. He helped her into her jacket, and pulled her hair from underneath the collar.

    She adjusted it, and Deke, the newcomer, bargained them out. Phil kept his hand on her back, letting her know that he was there, ready to embrace her, pepper her face with kisses, hold her and never let go, and to keep her by his side.

    --------- -:x:- ---------

    Sorry that was so short!!!!!


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