All I Ask Of You

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So, being a sucker for Phantom of the Opera, I had to do a song lyric fic. I based this off the song 'All I Ask of You' which is from the musical Phantom of the Opera, by Andrew Lloyd Webber. This fanfic takes place right after season 4 (AoS) but ignoring the space abduction and all that. Sorry it's kinda short. Thanks!


'No more talk of darkness, Forget these wide-eyed fears, I'm here, nothing can harm you, My words will warm and calm you, Let me be your freedom, Let daylight dry your tears, I'm here, with you, beside you, To guard you and to guide you.'

May stumbled through the dark, destroyed base, trying to understand it all. Only a day or two ago, she had been a fallen, legendary H.Y.D.R.A. agent in a virtual world, taking orders from the Patriot, and now Jeffery was dead. Aida had been killed when Phil had made a deal with the devil to destroy her. His face had burned off, and his skull had glowed with hell fire.

But now the threat was gone, and their next battle would be against the government. Explaining that the Daisy whom had shot General Talbot in the head had actually been an LMD. And LMD's were first designed by S.H.I.E.L.D.

And now for some reason, Phil was more skittish around her than a rabbit. Something had happened with her robot self. She knew that it was more than the haig. Down in that underwater station, he had freaked when she mentioned him keeping her alive by giving her 'mouth to mouth'. If May were to peice it all together, she would guess that something more, much more intimate had happened then her just simply trying to kill him.

But she got to what would be her room until they found another base, she had broken down in sobs. She was alone. May didn't have to worry about staying strong for the team.

"May. Melinda. Hey, you alright?" Phil approached her, and before May registered her actions, she was already in his arms, crying into his tee shirt. "How are we ever going to get out of this never ending mess!?!? Can we ever have a life?!?! Why does the universe want us apart?!?" She begged him for answers. Barely audible, she mumbled, "Stay please."

'Say you'll love me every waking moment, Turn my head with talk of summer time, Say you need me with you now and always, Promise me that all you say is true, That's all I ask of you.'

May sobbed in his shoulder, and only realized that he was crying to when she felt his own tear drip onto her forehead. "This is all my fault... None of this would have happened if I hadn't gone to Radcliffe's house. None of it. I need to go. I only endangered you and the team more when I was around." She said.

"Melinda." He started. She loved it when he used her first name."I need you around. Don't go please. May... I'm sorry that all this happened, but it is not your fault. It is Radcliffe's and Aida's." Phil said firmly. "The team needs you for support. I need you. More than you know."

"I can't go on like this. I can't. I need a break." May tried to pull away, but Phil held on.

"Listen to me! If you go, I go to."

'Let me be your shelter, Let me be your light, You're safe, no one will find you, Your fears are far behind you.'

"But Phil." She said. "I can't be the one to pull you away from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"If you want to go, I'm getting us out of here. Far away...somewhere we can escape all of this." He motioned to the base around of them, letting May go.

"You need me to fight, I will fight, but I need a break." May swallowed her tears. Phil took her hand, surprising her. She had always wanted a closer relationship with him, but assumed that he wouldn't.

"What I meant was, we are both here, alive, and what have we not yet survived?" He asked.

"Sea Monsters." She muttered.

Phil smirked at her comment, and continued. "Let's go. We will be safe. And hey, we always were the unstoppable two." He chided.

'All I want is freedom, A world with no more night, And you, always beside me, To hold me and to hide me.

"I just want a place where I can rest, ok?" To feel safe. She finished in her head.

"Yeah, this place doesn't exactly scream safe, warm, and fuzzy. Don't you think?" He gestured to their surroundings again. "But we can go wherever you want, and I will follow." He said. May just about dove into his arms again.

"Hold me. Plus, you need more original pickup lines." He whispered to him. Phil just smiled, and kissed her forehead. They both had stopped crying now.

'Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime, Let me lead you from your solitude, Say you need me with you here, beside you, Anywhere you go, let me go too, That's all I ask of you.'

"Retirement sound good?" He asked.

"We only got one life, right?" She paused. "And not exactly. How long until the kids blow something up, we are attacked, or we need to save the world again,huh?" May asked.

"As long as it's with you, I'm good to go." He said. May rolled her eyes at his answer. "I mean," he composed himself, "Melinda May, I don't want you hurt, so I think that this is long overdue." May mentally prepared for the worst. "Wô ai ni." I love you.

'Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime, Say the word and I will follow you, Share each day with me, each night, each morning, Say you love me.'

May broke into a smile, and stood on her toes to level her face to his. She kissed him soundly. He kissed her back. "Gunna say it back?" He whispered.

"Do I have to?" She answered. And he pressed their foreheads together. "Wô ai ni Phil Coulson." She told him.

Lacing their fingers together, he responded. "Wô ai ni Melinda May."

'You know I do. Love me, that's all I ask of you.'

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