I'll Fall in Love With You Every New Day - Part 2

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   This is a the request of crazychickinacorner, and it's a continuation of the former chapter. The song fits this chapter pretty well! Especially in Coulson's POV! You can only imagine how hard it is on him 😥


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     "Hi, I'm Phil Coulson. . . your husband." The man said, a calming look on his face. He was still sleepy, blue eyes not fully awake. But his arm around her was strong and sure, strangely familiar. "It's okay, Melinda. You don't have to be afraid of me."

   "How. . . Who. . . Why?" Melinda stammered, pulling away, and tugging the blanket to cover herself as she sat up.

   "I promise, you're safe. You might be scared, and that's okay. You have long and short-term memory loss." He seemed honest enough.

    "Then how do I know you're really my husband?" She hissed, taking the sheet with her as Melinda climbed out of bed.

   "Look in your notebook." Phil told her. "You wrote it yourself."

   Melinda looked to her bedside table, and grabbed the leather bound book there and checked. He was right. Right there on the page, it said that this man loved her and was her husband.

    "What happened to me?" Melinda backed up.

   "A terrible accident." He sighed sadly, a pained look on his face.  Phil rolled over and propped his head up on his hands. He looked her in the eyes and said softly, "Go and get ready, use the bathroom or something. You can read that book during breakfast."

   Melinda obeyed. It felt right.

--- -:x:- ---

   It was smack in the middle of an awkward meal that the knock came on the door.

   Phil was quick to get up and answer it, opening the door to reveal two young women. One was a pretty brunette with big brown eyes and wavy hair. The other was of asian decent, darker waves and a leather jacket slung over her shoulders.

   "Sir!" The first woman cried with joy, reaching out to hug Phil. "We have something for May!"

   "What?" Phil stilled, and Melinda panicked. New people. New people she didn't know. There were new people invading the only world she knew; this house. Standing up abruptly, and stared at the two women before making brief eye-contact with the asian one and then it was to much, just too much for her brain to process and she was running, bolting up the stairs and down the hall to the first place she thought she knew.

   Phil was calling her back but she had already dove under the covers of that familiar bed and was shutting out the world. Her heart was beating faster than she thought possible, and her world was crashing down but she didn't know why.

    Footsteps calmly made their way up the stairs and to the door, where she heard someone slowly come into the bedroom. "Melinda?" Phil's voice softly ventured.

   She replied with a whimper. "Send them away!"

   "It's just Daisy and Jemma. They won't hurt you." Phil promised, crossing the floor and coming to sit next to her buried form on the bed.

   "Are you sure?" Melinda sighed, pulling down the blanket to peek at him.

   Phil nodded with a smile. "They think they can help your brain." He whispered. "They only want to help. Do you remember reading about Daisy?" 

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