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Ok. I have a confession to make. I tried. I really, really did try to write a sequel to the Asgard chapter, as requested by @reimha0814, but I couldn't. I really couldn't come up with anything. I'm extremely sorry. I couldn't write. At all. But here is the outline of what would have happened:

Phil and May sit together at the wedding, and Phil makes a joke about the ceremony. Later, at the reception, the Avengers come over and sit around the couple, and tease them relentlessly, Thor teases then too. Oh, and somewhere in there, Loki sees Coulson and runs off screaming about ghosts coming back to haunt him. Later, when Sif throws the bouquet, Natasha makes May come, and the flowers smack May in the face, only because all the other women in the crowd moved away from her because Natasha had them gang up on May. More Avenger teasing comes. Later, Coulson and May return to Earth, and Daisy starts asking questions.

-With great apologies, nightsisterkaris.

So, I had a few more ideas for tahiti, and I realized something. I haven't given y'all a single sad chapter. So I'm going to pour all my depression into this chapter. Oh, and I was feeling poetic. Not like, haiku,(I have one I actually turned in for writing class) but more epic poem style. Here you go...


Daisy checked her phone. She really wanted to call May. Suddenly, she heard Fitz screaming. Running to the lab, she was there right in time to see the last of Jemma Simmons turn to dust. Her marriage ring clattered to the floor. Fitz scooped it up, freaking out, crying as he tried to understand.

Elena ran in, just as distraught. "He's gone! Mack! My Mack! He's dust! Just gone!" Then she switched to Spanish, tears pouring down her face.

Davis came in, and said four words. "It took Piper too."

What was left of Simmons, Mack, and Piper?

Their dust.

Their remains.

Their ash.

Their legacy.


Then Daisy remembered someone...


Daisy ran across the sand, scared. She had never been more terrified. Kicking down the door to a bungalow that she had picked out, Daisy yelled, "May! Coulson!"

No answer.

She ran into the kitchen.

Nobody there.

The porch was deserted.

The bedroom...


Daisy fell to her knees beside the bed, and broke down. Her own tears finally fell, dripping to the floor. She cried for Simmons, she cried for Mack, she cried for Piper.

She cried for her parents. The people who loved her.

May and Coulson...

Her parents.

Her real parents.

She cried herself dry, and stood up.

She looked onto the nightstand. There was a shell. Just a simple bivalve, little, with small swirls of pink, and was chipped on the corner. Picking it up, she could easily imagine Coulson finding it, and proudly presenting it to May.

And a dried hibiscus flower, some of the bright red still standing out.

There was May's phone too, and Daisy picked it up. The lock screen had been changed, a happy couple smiling to the camera taking a selfie. Coulson was slightly sunburned, wearing a cheesy Hawaiian print shirt. May's hair was pulled back into a bun, and was wearing a white dress.

Daisy let another tear fall, and sat down on the bed. Pulling back the covers, she noticed little specks.

Their dust.

Their remains.

Their ash.

Now only their legacy remained.


Running to the kitchen, she pulled out a glass cup, heading back to the bedroom, she solemnly gathered their dust. At least they were together.

She crawled into the bed, kind of like a child crawling into their parents bed after a nightmare. Wait, it was just like that. She held the shell and May's phone close, and realized she had more tears left to fall. She was going to soak the pillow, which still smelled like both of them.

Something cold touched her hand. Grabbing the two circular objects, she knew what they were before she saw them.

Two wedding rings.

Two symbols of a connection.

Two symbols of love.

For two people who were in love.

Who had been in love forever.

For two people who had died.

For two people who were never coming back.

Turned to dust.

Barely remains.

Only ash.

Only their legacy remained.



A love lost.

Never to return.

Two people, victims like many.

In love.

Finally together.

Forever gone.




Oh, and here is the haiku:

'May will kick your butt

Coulson has a crush on her

JK, he loves her'

Sorry, I was in seventh grade! I sucked!

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