Tour Guide AU - Part 2

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     The next morning, Phil was ready at 7:30, and Melinda was there waiting patiently. He told her good morning, and Melinda returned the greeting. "You wanted to experience some culture? That's what we'll do today." She explained her idea of tackling one of his topics every day. 

    Phil followed her again, jotting down notes on the city every now and then. Melinda lead him to one of the many city parks, and Phil saw a large class of people doing that weird series of arm/body movements and positions like he had seen many others do in clear spots in the streets. 

    "Tai Chi. It centers the soul." Melinda said softly. She was obviously wanting to join in, and waited for his cue on interest or no interest.

    Phil nodded, and Melinda asked if he wanted to join. He did. 

    Standing on the side lines, Melinda took the stance of the others, and corrected Phil on his. "Think calm." She said, and effortlessly proceeded to preform the moves perfectly, Phil Phil wobbled and tried. He really did try.

    "What did you think?" Melinda asked when the session was over. 

    "I think it looked a bit like searching for a Wifi signal and slowly swatting mosquitos at the same time." He answered, and Melinda smirked a smile, and told him he needed practice to make it graceful.

    They ate lunch at a spot Melinda showed him, and he almost cried from all the spices. May simply laughed, and ate a spoonful of the sauce to prove it was edible.

    Day two, they hit the forbidden City, and several other tourist filled spots.

    Day three were the hole-in-the-walls. They visited shops and small markets, Phil writing it all down.

    Day four... The clichés. They took a bus out to the Great Wall, and for the afternoon, Melinda showed him the Summer Palace and the Temple of heaven.

    It was on the fifth day when Phil found out more about his guide. Melinda had bumped into one of her tourist guide friends, whom Melinda called Daisy. From what Phil understood, Daisy was waiting for the family who hired her to come out of some store.

    The two women talked rapidly in Mandarin until Daisy introduced herself. 

    "May's a good guide. You'll have fun." Daisy smiled, and side-hugged May.

    "She's been very helpful." Phil nodded. 

    "Enjoying China?" Daisy asked.

    "Yes." Phil nodded.

    "Good!" Daisy then flashed a smile before darting back to her spot to the store's door.

    "Who's that?" Phil politely asked.

    "Daisy is a friend of mine." Melinda nodded, her expression hoping to change the subject, which she did. "Anyway, during the Qin dynasty, which was first ruled by Emperor Qin Shi Huang..."

    The week was drawing to a close, and Phil still hadn't told her he liked her. She had mentioned once that she had an ex-boyfriend, Andrew, and Phil was seriously starting to wonder if she was single.

     Day six, they tackled the "hidden gems." 

     Melinda took him to Peking's old Sino-French university, and several other spots, including Fayuansi. 

    On the seventh, it was just quiet. They meet in the lobby of the hotel just like every morning, and tried to plan the day. They didn't have anything particular left on the list, and Phil was ready to get home. He didn't want to spend another minute with this beautiful, charming woman whom he could never be with. 

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