"I was a Mom."

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    Alternate Timeline for season five finale. We're also going to ignore Thanos. *Sips the remains of a Starbucks hot chocolate* Oh, and plus I made up a fictional metal and non-canon planet, just to let you know.

   (Jemma gave Phil an alternate solution that healed him right before she found out about Fitz. And while the timeline was changed, some things were unavoidable.) Enjoy!


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  May 18, 2018

  Polly was dead. So was Fitz. The Earth had shattered into a hundred million pieces. Daisy hadn't been found among the survivors, who were still in denial of the apocalyptic event. Mothers held their screaming children close, and fathers tried desperately to find a place for their panicking family.

   And among these people stood a short asian woman, a little girl who was the only quiet child in the entire lighthouse, and a man who stood beside them. "We didn't change the timeline," he whispered over and over. "We've failed."

    "Hush. We need to find a spot before all the rooms are taken up." the woman took charge, guiding the three of them through the halls. "Robin doesn't need all this noise."

    "Your'e right, Melinda." He said, taking her hand.

    Finally making it to their destination, Melinda sighed with relief, closing the door behind her. A muffled sound of the child crying filled the room. "They're dead, Mommy. All dead. There're's so many bodies." 

    "Robin, its okay. Don't worry. We're safe for now." Melinda knelt down to the little girl's level. "Phil, we need to get supplies, but I don't want to leave Robin alone and you aren't strong enough yet to-"

   "I'll watch her." Phil nodded, and reached down to touch Robin's hair. 

   "Thanks." Melinda prepared to leave, Giving Robin on more hug of assurance. "Look out for the big guy in the green coat." Robin paused the tears to warn Melinda before letting go and turning around to staring at Phil. "You weren't in my old memories." she whispered. "Except at the beach." 

    Phil was confused for a couple seconds. "Tahiti? We went to Tahiti?" he wondered, hearing the door close with Melinda's departure.

    "Yes. You and Mommy." Robin replied, looking back to the floor. "You died."

     Phil was curious about this timeline, but suprised as well. Then Robin continued. "Mommy said she was lost without you. So she choose not to get lost."

    Thinking about Robin's riddle of a message, he asked her, "But you know that Melinda will be back soon." 

    Robin nodded, and sat down on the floor, her body language saying loud and clear, 'I want to be alone'. So Phil let her be. The poor child's mother had died just that morning. And Melinda had bravely stepped up without a thought to watch the girl. 

    Reaching to his pocket, Phil pulled out the ring. Opening the simple box, he looked at the metal band. When Phil had been in 2091, and they were escaping the future, he had grabbed a coin off the counter in Kassius's common room just for the heck of it. 

     Later, at home, Deke had seen him examining the futuristic currency, and had walked over with amazement. "A whole Tarish!" he had exclaimed, and explained to Phil that the metal, which was called Odoninium, was mined from captured comets, and the metal wasn't found on Earth. Apparently one Tarish could support a lighthouse member for multiple Earth years. 

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