Woah! I'm doing a Philinda art giveaway this month!

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Notice: Some things have been changed due to not enough people signing up. You may have seen this in my random book, and those who entered are still in. 

Enter to win an art drawn by me, paper or digital, winner's choice!

I will draw the winner a custom Philinda fanart, professionally print it, and mail it to the lucky user!

- Anyone who enters will be required to DM me a PO. box/address or Email Adress so that the print can be mailed to you, or I will draw another name within a week!
- I will be drawing (as in selecting by chance) the lucky winner on August 1st, 2019.
- Your fanart should be finished and sent your way within the next week, but I will not begin the art until I have received a location to address it to or an email @. As said, I will reselect another user if the winner does not respond within seven days or refuses to cooperate with these rules.
- Your (email/mailing)address will not be shared or exploited. It will be forgotten once this is over and the art is sent.
- I am willing to text if there are complications. The winner may DM me for my phone #.
- If you share this art, tag me!!
- I will not be drawing anything NSFW. Kissing is the limit!
- I will not start any correspondence with you once this is over. Please do not send anything back. It will be thrown away or you will be blocked because stranger danger. DM me once you receive your art!

This will only happen if at least seven people sign up. (Thats only four more)

By tagging yourself or adding anything in a comment to this paragraph and you will be entered, automatically agreeing to the above requirements! No exceptions!
[thegoldsistersTheMasterShipper100, and crazychickinacorner have already entered]

Comment here in this paragraph if you have questions!

- I am willing to draw Mackelena if it is absolutely necessary (Lookin' at you, OUAT_MARVEL)
- If you are comfortable with sending me a high-quality selfie/pic of yourself, I am willing to add you into the art! (No descriptions or profile avatars allowed)
- I will be in contact with you so that you can give me a rundown of what you want in your custom art.

THE BEST PART: (For mailing addresses only) [OPTIONAL]
If you chose to give me a P.O. address or location (It doesn't have to be your dwelling place) I am willing to send another copy of any other of my fanarts! And if I'm feeling generous, maybe the original drawing!
I will write you a short note to be included with the fanart!

- It is your graduation from SHIELD academy and Coulson ad May are happily presenting you your first badge.
- A tender Philinda moment.
- You demanded that they take a selfie with you. May is not amused.
- Philinda cuddling
- Daisy must have photoshopped that. It can't be real! (you be creative!)
- You stand beside Philinda, all three of you have guns drawn as you stare down an unseen threat.
- Philinda fluffy art.
- or whatever else you could possibly dream up and want!

Note: Do not ask for anything specific right now, such as "if I win can you draw me a-", because that is only if your username ends up being drawn from the hat. To make it fair, I will livestream the drawing of the lucky winner on Instagram August 1st. There will be no favoritism! Do not @ me!

Good luck!

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