You Are The Reason

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   lamperoasteri asked for a song fic baed off "you are the reason" by Calum Scott! I listened to it, the song is beautiful, and it fits Philinda perfectly! This chapter is dedicated to you, @lamperoasteri! 

    I listened to the song like a hundred times while writing this. At first I thought it would be perfect for Coulson's POV, but than I realized it fitted May's POV as she's watching him die. So I highly, HIGHLY suggest that you listen to the song while you read this.

   And since we don't have enough Post-season 5 angst already, have some more!


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"There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now"

    Melinda May slowly opened her eyes. Tahitian sun burned trough her eyelids, and she looked to her right side. Phil Coulson laid at her side. It was their twenty third day here in Paradise. She moved her hand to his scar, the black lines almost consuming his chest.

   His heartbeat was slow, and somehow, Melinda knew; this was his last day.

   She had noticed his body slowly shutting down yesterday, and Melinda had hardly slept that night. She had listened to every heartbeat until May had forced herself to drift off, the sight of his sleeping form fixed in her memory.

  Melinda forced herself to be calm. He hadn't opened his eyes yet. Pulling herself as close as she could to his side, Melinda pressed her ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it slowly thumped against her cheek.

"There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now"

   May kept her breathing steady as she wrapped an arm around him, keeping him near.  His breath tickled her forehead, and she felt him shift. "Melinda." He whispered, a ghost of the sound of her name putting a faint smile on his lips.     

   "Good morning." She choked, her eyes filling with tears that blurred the dark lines that cut not only across him, but their way into her emotional heart as well.         

   Phil hummed, sighing with pleasure, moving to wrap his arm around her shoulders. And he also knew; this was his last day.     

    Melinda wasn't hungry. She felt sick. She couldn't lose him now. Melinda wasn't strong enough to live without him. May couldn't imagine a life alone. He had been wrong. Melinda would never find someone else. Nobody could ever replace him. EVER.     

"I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason"

   May held onto every ragged breath that he breathed, holding him tight as he reached up and stroked her hair, her tears finally spilling over to drip to his chest. "Hey, Mel... Don't cry." He whispered as her chest quivered with a sob held back.     

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