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     So I'm going to be attending the Chicago Comic con (C2E2) in March (on the 24th?) and I'll be there on Sunday, when the Agents of SHIELD panel is. I plan on getting the Photo op with my queen, Ming-Na, and Clark Gregg in the same Photo! (Guess who's gonna ask them to kiss? lol) I'm hoping to also get a fanart (So many choices lol) signed, and I KNOW that I'm gonna try to get them to to sign a poster I designed.

   I'm hoping to arrive at the Panel way to early to get a good seat (If I have to ditch my Mom, I will lol) and later ask a question during the program. Just one problem: 

   I have a 100 million questions. And I wanna somehow share my experience with y'all.

   So I've found out a way to figure out which SINGLE QUESTION *sigh* to ask. I need you guy's help. So down below, I'm going to list a series of questions that I want to ask the cast [feel free to send me ideas] and I'll probably add more questions all the way up until i'm there XD.

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  1)  "So I know that none of you can talk about Infinity war's affect on the characters, but I just want to know y'all's feelings about this question; WILL PHILINDA GO OUT WITH A BANG?"

  2). "Have any of you guys ever read any of your character's fanfiction? And if so, do you remember the plot?"

  3) "This question is for Agents May and Coulson..." *builds suspense* "WHAT TOOK YOU SO FLIPPING LONG!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! - btw that kiss was beautiful and it saved my life."

  4) "What are the chances of Coulson shutting May up more often in the future? And here's an idea: How about Phil does so with an engagement ring?"

  5) "This question is for Mrs. Ming-Na; Since you predicted the Philinda kiss in season five, how long will it be before Philinda follow Fitzsimmons's example and get married already? 'Cause seriously, all they're missing is the wedding rings!"

   6) "What are the chances of the show eventually supporting a character with a disability they were born with? Because I was born with Aortic Stenosis and this incredibly amazing show helped inspire me to try harder, and not give up. Because of the awesome characters, I was braver when I had open heart surgery."

   7) "Obviously, discussion on Coulson's fate is not gonna be allowed, and Ming has said before that she's not allowed to talk about Tahiti, but I was thinking about an idea, and Mo and Jed's writing style. So I'll  keep this easy for you. What does the cast think about Fitz - once he's found- rebuilding Project Looking Glass and saving Coulson that way, by simply printing him a new heart?"

   8) "This is a question for my Queen, Agent May: So many of us have never been able to find out what May's birthdate is. It was implied that May is a Scorpio, and I've been wondering if I do indeed share a Zodiac sign with my favorite character?"    

   9) What was the collective reaction to finding out that Coulson and May would kiss and later go to Tahiti?"

   10) What are the chances of May making even a tiny cameo in Captain Marvel, or at least a reference to May? [I can't do this one now, because Captain Marvel will premiere March 8, and the panel is March 24]

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   Okay guys, so if you could vote (just comment the numbers pls) on the two questions that you'd like me to ask, that would really help me to decide on which one. And those are just me top ten! XD So If you have any ideas, i'd love to hear them! 

    Thank you all so, so, so, so much for your support, and thank you for just reading this far! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    -nightsisterkaris .         

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