His Melinda, Her Phil

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The finale ending made me wonder if Simmons has figured out time travel, and consequently, this happened:

WARNING: mentions of self harm

And also; there is no plot at all.
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The man stood alone.

Jemma was only allowing people who worked in the medical field into the room where Melinda May was being woken up. The warrior woman had undergone insanely advanced treatment in order to save her life.

But Daisy had been let in.

He waits until Jemma is yelling at someone in the hallway before squeezing through the door and stepping into the freezing cold room.

It's quiet. The cyro chamber glows a steady indigo blue and silver, and Melinda is slowly breathing in and out.

The intruder walks slowly over, looking down at her delicate peaceful form. Jemma has cleaned the blood from her face. She's like ice.

He can see her eyes move under her eyelids, her fingers twitch. Jemma mentioned she was supposed to be alone to allow her body to wake up.

"Phil..." Melinda was speaking. She took a bigger breath, her swollen lips prying themselves apart again, "I didn't know I deserved Heaven."

"Heaven?" Phil blinked, "what?"

"I missed you. I just wanted to see you again, love." Melinda's voice was raspy and harsh.

"No, Melinda, this isn't Heaven. We saved you." Phil grinned, going against his better judgement and taking her ice cold hand.

"No. This must be a cruel joke. I was ready, ready to go, to see you again." Melindas eyes finally opened. "This must be a nightmare then."

"No." Melinda wiggled, in obvious distress. "Is this Hell? Have I woken up to Hell? Tell me!"

"Stop! You're still healing!"

"What are you?" Melinda glared.

"Phil Coulson?"

"No. Impossible. My Phil, he-" Melinda coughed, and she shuddered with the pain of expanding her lungs and the intensity of stretching her midsection.

"What do you mean?"

"My Phil is dead!" Melinda burst, tears brimming in her eyes, "What is this? The framework again?!?"

"No. But I can assure you I'm not dead. I'm right here. Is there anything I can do for you?" He asks as another tear slips down her pale face.

"Leave. Just leave." Melinda shakes, and pulls her hand from Phil's, rejecting him.

"What are you doing in here?!" Jemma bursts through the door, "her heart rate rose and was far outside of where it should have been for de-cryoization!"

"I'm sorry!" Phil said. "I just wanted to see her."

"Get out. You don't belong here right now. She wasn't supposed to see you yet!" Daisy orders him go. She turns to May, "Calm down. It's okay. Jemmas got you."

"What was that?" May rasped.

"Coulson. We sort of brought him back-"

"What was that?!"

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