War's Wife

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   This is partly inspired by one of itslemoi 's Philinda stories. 

   Any mistakes are mine. Any similarities to army member's family's lives (Dead or living) is purely coincidental. Enjoy!


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    Melinda thought she knew what she had signed up for when she married an army man.

    But she hadn't expected so much worrying.

    The moment she woke up August ninth, she knew she wouldn't be seeing Phil for a long time. He was to report to the army base at noon sharp for his troop's send off overseas.  She had helped him pack his small bag yesterday, and they had used their last hours together well.

   They had woken up, quiets as she insisted that she herself would help him dress into his uniform. She had straightened his pins and patches, knot the tie, and squared his shoulders. Then pulled his hat over his eyes for good measure.

    He had driven to the base, gotten them in, and then ate lunch at eleven. Goodbyes were said, promises write and call were made, and then he was gone.

   They had correspondence for about four months before he warned that he might have to stop writing and calling due to the secrecy of their military movements.

   Then the letters and calls stopped, just as promised.Melinda worried. She panicked. She had one or two anxiety attacks.

   Then the official looking letter came.

   Opening the seal, she read;  

    ''Mrs. Coulson,

   We wish to inform you that Private Phillip Coulson along with the entire 084 division was lost January 17th. There has been no response from any possible survivors. America thanks you and your family for your partner's service and sacrifice.'' 

   After that was a bunch of legal stuff surrounding condolences, financial support, funerals for unfound/unidentified bodies, and for a ton of other information that Melinda couldn't focus on.


   She wouldn't accept this.

   'Private Phillip Coulson along with his entire division was lost-'

   It resounded in her head.

    Sliding down the wall and to the floor, Melinda covered her face with her shaking hands. Her body quivered.'Phillip Coulson along with his entire division was lost.'

   Impossible. Melinda was numb. She felt nothing at first. Warm sunlight dancing on her shoulders grew pale and cold. The sunroom with to many houseplants lost its glow. One hand fell to the floor, her nails digging into the polished brown woodgrain. Her vision flashed with red as she started to imagine him dying alone. Without her. Without help. In pain. Having not come home. Having not returned to her arms. Having not returned to someday raise a family with her.

   A knock sounded on the door.

   Melinda did nothing. 

   A knock repeated. The person let themselves in through the front door, making her way through the house. "Oh, Mrs. Coulson!" Daisy gasped, kneeling down, "are you okay?"

   Melinda tucked her head in between her knees. "Oh." Daisy exhaled, noticing the loosely-held papers in her hand. "Oh god, no." Daisy sank down next to her neighbor's side. Melinda felt so tiny in this big wide world. She was small.  Melinda had been a size that she liked. A size that fit perfectly in Phil coulson's arms. A size that fitted his perfectly. 

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