That Reincarnation AU That Nobody Asked For

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    Note: I do not believe in reincarnation (my beliefs on death are separate, for me and my religion its a sleep). But Reincarnation is a fun idea, and how awesome would this be if I did it in the reader's POV? BTW, there are references to former chapters in this. Tell me if you spotted them!

   Hey, reader, ever wonder why you ship Philinda? Why you want these two to get together so bad? Well, here you go, lol, you get to be the one who makes #Philinda canon. Every. Single. Time. Also, anyone who liked Rosalind Price, just skip this chapter because the reader kinds hates on her a little. Okay, maybe a lot.


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    You remember all your former lives.

    You remember farming the lands of ancient Mesopotamia, drinking water from the Euphrates.

    You remember hearing of Caesar's death, panic sweeping throughout the lands surrounding the Mere Nostrum.

    You remember dying of the Black Death as one out of three members of your home village in Germany died.

    You remember standing on the beaches of your home island as strange men with hair on their faces sailed in with their fire sticks that killed with a bang.

    You remember watching the horror of World War One as the French farm burned around you and smoke filled your lungs.

    While every life was different, from your gender to your race to your geographical location, it was always different, except for one thing. You always met two certain people who never knew they were always destined to be together, their souls always reincarnating into bodies that would eventually find each other. 

    You've served Hua Mulan and her husband in your home, letting them stay in your hospitality. "Nì ai tā." You observed, smiling with the heroine.

   Once, you met them in the town of Pompeii at the base of Vesuvius as the heavily pregnant former gladiator and her stollen Roman house slave huddled beside you to escape the angry mountain. The house collapsed on you three only minutes later.

   One life, you met Melinda when you were called to her husband's home to deliver their baby, because you were a midwife in the Dark Ages. You helped them bring little baby Daisy into the world that night.

   In another life, you were the apprentice to a jeweler who was commissioned to make a necklace for Prince Coulson to give to his sweetheart. You set the stones in a bridal tiara a year later with a smile.

    You were at their barn-raising in the 1800's, watching their children and keeping the young'uns out of mischief. 

    In the most recent life so far, you've stood before them in the SHIELD headquarters. Both had avoided -well, denied - a romance, and you are getting sick of playing the matchmaker (Now for some reason, in this new age, Matchmakers are known as 'shippers'

    It's been 6,000 years that you've been matchmaking- erm, shipping them, and these versions are the most frustrating yet.

    "Sir, you should ask out Agent May." You hint, smirking as you set a stack of reports on Agent Coulson's desk. 

    Phil looks up at you with confusion and panic. "Me -Melinda?" He chokes. "Oh No, I couldn't ask her out."

   "Why not?" You grin, watching him.

   "I already have a date." he stutters, looking out his office window where May herself was rolling her eyes as Daisy rattled on about something stupid.

   "WHAT?!?! WHO?!?!" You explode. No. No, no, no, no, No, NO!

    "Mrs. Rosalind Price." He states slowly, confused at your reaction. This is even worse.

    You gather your senses, and stalk toward him, and placing your hand on Coulson's desk, you lean on it, right in his face. "Dump. Price. NOW." you hiss.

    Coulson frowns at you, finally glaring. "I don't know what just came over you, agent, but my love life is not of your concern."

   If only you knew, you think with a scoff.

   "Sir, I have to disagree." You boldly venture. "I happen to be an expert on relationships just like yours."

   "Relationships? What the he-"

   "And I have very interesting proof that Agent May loves you." you sing.

    Coulson freezes.

    "And anyway, I hate Rosalind Price." You add. That was the truth. Jeezus, back in a former life,  when Prince Coulson had been illegally marrying Lady Melinda, that woman had stolen the bridal tiara and broke it, forcing poor little jeweler you to fix it five minutes before the wedding. The warrior Queen never did forgive her either.

    And not to forget the time Rosalind tried to have Melinda accused of Witchcraft in the medieval times.

    But let's not even get you started on the attempted kidnapping back in the Wild West.

    "Why are you so-" Coulson tries to start.

    "But like, are you that blind to the looks your partner is giving you? Those little smiles she never shares with anyone else? Every time she brings you coffee in the morning. From what I've heard, she never worked that well with anyone else." You sigh.

   Phil seems to be lost in thought.

   "-And the way she walks in front of you, swinging her hips to and fro, always with that smirk?" You continue. "And those eyes-"

   "Shut up, agent." Phil snaps out of it.

   "What?" You're cracking up. "What about the way your hand lights up?"

   "You. . . people see that?" He's horrified.

   "Yeah. Duh," you pass back. "And so does Agent May."

   "She-? Oh god." He buries his face in his hands.

   "I think she likes it." You sigh again.

   Phil lifts his left hand. turning it before him. "It only-"

   "-lights up for her. I know." You smirk. "And it's so fascinating how the sensory receptors have a luminary response not to different from a nerve impulse." You add, letting out your inner Jemma Simmons.   

    "But, Rosalind-"

   "-Will eventually betray you." You are so done!

   He looks at you with shock. "What? What makes you say that? How do you-"

   "Same way I know it takes you two minutes to unhook May's bra, have Haig to drink, and you keep a spare set of Lola's keys in that teapot in May's bunk." You laugh. "I've been dealing with this for too long. I've just got mad skills." You smile triumphantly as you examine your nails.

   He's staring agape at you.

   "So, my advice is, DUMP. PRICE. NOW." You shrug your shoulders.

   "Okay." He nods, and looks out the window one more time. That's the moment you decide to leave, your job. You flip off Rosalind on the way out.

    Your job is done. Now you just have to make sure they stay together.


   The next life is almost as frustrating, having to work with the two of them again.


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   This has been in my drafts for for like, forever, so I'm not gonna even polish this up or edit it. I hope you enjoyed this, 'cause I've forgotten the plot. . .  or if it even has one. Eo I don't even know if it makes any sense either.


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