The Fangirls point of view... -Part 1

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    Soooo... I'm doing a reader's POV in this chapter today. I got so much support on the idea, and I hope that you like it!!! 


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     Yawning, you close your eyes one more time before you get up for the day. Finally groaning as you sit up, you squint your eyes as you check your device. Time to get up. Ugh. Smiling as you are greeted by your fangirly Agents of SHIELD themed background, you roll out of bed, and regret getting up. You cover your eyes for a couple seconds when you flip the light on, and yawn. The room is cold, and you shiver as you quickly changed out of your sleep clothes and into your clothes for the day.

    A freezing doorknob greets your hand as you trudge to the bathroom, and go through your normal routine. Finishing, you prepare for another day.

   Stepping into the kitchen, you quickly take your meds along with a sad excuse for a breakfast, and right as you prepare to leave, something happens. A strange, warm churning sensation comes in waves across you, and a tingling in your fingers dances up your arm. Holding them upwards to your face, you drop your phone in surprise as a tar-like substance forms on your fingers, and races across your body. You try to rub it off, but it is fixed in place, holding you captive. The rock forms up your back, spreading over you.

    You have just enough time to realize what's happening,  surrender to the terigenisus, and scream a couple curses before everything goes dark. 


    Finally, the rock begins to weaken, and break away from your face. You peek through, and replay the scene where one of your maybe not-so-fictional heroes became inhuman herself. Letting out your in Daisy Johnson, you flick back your arms and head, sending the rock pieces shattering, flying across the room.

    Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes. Suddenly, you look at the steaming residue on the floor. You have to be dreaming. And a thought comes to your mind. Running into the bathroom, you close your eyes. Do you still look human? Do you look like Raina or Gordon?

   Tentatively opening your eyes, you look upon a true reflection of yourself. You breath a sigh of relief, and look at your hands. What are your powers? Shuddering at all the thoughts of the powers that seemed more to be like curses on your favorite TV show, you squeeze your eyes shut. 

   What did I eat? You think, and check the meds that you took this morning. It takes every once of your being not to scream something extremely inappropriate when you see the fish-oil pills. What happened? Are you really inhuman? 

   You wave your arms through the air. No affect.

   You touch a cup of water sitting on the counter. Nothing happens. So... Nothing hyro-related.

   You run to the couch, and try to lift it. You don't have super-strength.

    After a lot of random experiments, you sigh. Great. Yo-Yo didn't get her power for a few days. Scooping up your phone from the floor, you pray to all the deities you know for an explanation. 

    You finally get the courage to got outside, and take a deep breath, opening the door. Time for a regular day. You push the strange memory of this morning out of your head. 


    Turning the corner toward your dwelling, you are shocked to see cars with the SHIELD logo stamped on the sides parked in front of of the building. A man in a bulletproof vest and SHIELD patch on his shoulder lifts up his assault rifle and points it at you. 

Philinda Forever - One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora