Wild West AU

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    Requested by NeedsHelpMentally . Just slap yer cowboy attire and a couple hats on Philinda in da pic above, throw in a desert sunset and you'll be jolly well just fine.

   Note: There are purposeful misspellings and grammar mistakes in the dialogue to enunciate slang and accent.


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   It was the name Melinda May that sent cow-rustlers a' runnin'.

   It was the name Melinda May that made even the toughest cowboys cry for Ma.

   It was the name Melinda May that made Phil Coulson smile. Even with the saddle sores and sweaty nights, she could make him smile.

   Sitting at the small campfire, Phil listened to the locusts sing their nightly song and his horse snort, the flames crackled as they consumed the dry brush. There hadn't been enough rain lately. It seemed that a far-off coyote agreed with him as it howled into the night.

    Rubbing his hands together, Phil sighed, remembering the times all those years ago.

    Melinda stood with a pose nothing short of confidence, her back still strait even through work on horses. Somehow she still had immaculate posture after all these years.

    "Settlin' down now, Philly?" Nick Fury called. "Doesn't really seem like you or Melinda."

    "Found this old cabin, thought we'd give it a shot." Phil answered, watching Melinda inspect the walls, then go inside.

   "Nobody can tie down Melinda for long. Can't believe she's still here with you." Nick mussed.

    "She seen to much. Wants some peace and quiet." Phil told him, and they saw Melinda storm out of the cabin, a rattlesnake by the head in one hand, a corn snake in the other, and she flung the snakes with a strong swing. The little deadly reptiles were subdued to flying oh-so-ungraciously through the air.

    "Ya can't be a thief-hunter when ya got kids at home."  Nick referenced to the baby in Phil's arms.

   "No indeed." Phil and Melinda had found the child in a recently ransacked town while they were out on patrol. The babe had been barely alive and weakly sleeping in the cradle. Melinda had fallen in love with the tiny thing, and after a tearful nod to the ghost town and everyone who had died only the night before at the hand of the dreaded HYDRA gang, Phil and Melinda took the child with them, reporting the crimes to an old friend, Nick Fury, who was sheriff a couple towns away.

    "Even if the babe is not yer own, they need careful watchin' and dis-plin'in." Fury added. "Melinda ain't seem ta' be the motherin' type, but she always be full 'r surprises."

   "At least while she ain't wrestlin' dem criminals to the justice reckonin'." Phil added. The babe swaddled in his arms stirred, one arm getting loose and waving in the air. "Wantin' Melinda back, ain't ya?" He smiled at the child.

    "Of course she is." Melinda herself appeared, smiling and taking the babe from him. She held the child before her. "Little one needs a name." She glanced up toward Phil, who was looking out over the desert prairie. Over the hill that the cabin was nestled on, flowers glowed in the sunset.

   "Daisy." He said. "Because she be as beautiful as the Daisies on the hill."

   "I like it."  Melinda nodded. "And so does Daisy. She be our little gift from the sky."

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