It can go both ways

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   "A Philinda/Sarinda fic where the altCoulson/Sarge wants May on his team because she makes him feel like he can trust her." It's a fun concept and one that I know will prob not be canon. Also, I have this headcanon of Sarge calling May, "sweetheart" in a 'platonic' way. This is not connected to the other chapter, 'let him come'. Also, I still love the name 'Quasar' for May.

   Also, this is prob legit my worst chapter.



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    Here she was, tied to a chair. Her jacket was slightly unzipped, letting the muggy air of her surroundings slide around her clavicle and sternum. Cord wrapped around her slim frame and her wrists, buckling her to the leather that had her bound.

   Melinda was staring, looking forward at this man before her. Sure, she'd been tied to chairs around Phil before, but under very different circumstances. (Circumstances that she had only memories of, now reserved only to be visited on quiet nights alone when the silence was to much.) But this wasn't Phil.

   "I'm going to turn you." He had said. The man had spared her from the creepy girl simply referred to a 'Snow'.

   The soft gold light of the dimly lit truck trailer shone around Melinda, and she could see the coulson-imposter sitting on the black leather couch, one leg bent up on the bin that substituted as a coffee table, and his hand still pointing the gun blaster thing at her. His other hand dug aimlessly into a bag of chips as he watched her sleep.

   "Ey, Sarge, ain't nobody followin' us. We're clear!" Snow's sing-song voice called back from the driver's cab. Sarge. Melinda kept hearing that name in reference to this man with Coulson's face. That must be what he's calling himself. Sarge.

   It was kinda a kickbutt name. But that was in the back of her mind right now.

   "What's your name, sweetheart?" Sarge was suddenly staring back.

   --- -:x:- ---

   (Sarge's POV)

   "What's your name, sweetheart?" Sarge asked the woman. 

   All he got back was a dark stare from those dark eyes. They reminded him of pools of water, black as night but could reflect the stars.

   She was undeniably beautiful. Sarge told himself that he captured her purely for strategic reasons. Because Jako was still AWOL and they had lost Tinker. Why not pick up someone who looked nice and fought like a well seasoned soldier along the way?

   Not to mention how her appearance unsettled him, the same way his seemed to unsettle her.

    The woman gave him silence.

    "Well, not much of a talker, are ya?" Sarge shook his head, reaching for another of these Terrien nourishment substitutes called 'potato chips', they tasted salty, but were actually quite good. Surely weren't worth any nutritional value though.

    The woman seemed unfazed by her position in the chair as she stared at him.

    "Wanna tell me why you're trying to stop us? Why everyone I meet calls me 'Coulson'?" He asked. The woman's eyes darted up. Good. That got her attention.

    "You don't know by now?" She had a beautiful voice, a voice that Sarge hoped to someday be used to, if she joined his team.

    "No, but it seems to be a name of someone whom I don't know." Sarge said casually as he could, hiding his frustration. 

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