Ew! Ew! Ew!

Revolted, disgust and alarm all swarm in my bloodstream as intense as feeling dozens of wasp sting my skin, stimulating energy to boost in me as I yank myself out from grip causing my heart to escalate as fast as though I was sprinting for my life.

Jack growled in response sounding as terrifying as a titan's scream, lunging himself forward as daring as a tiger once again forcing his masculine body pin up against to feel as though I was a slice of meat on a sandwich from lack of space.

"Hhmmmmm." he grunted as low as hearing a wolf's snarl, skimming his dark brown eyes from my head to my toe as though he was reading the morning paper."Right.....well Miss.Sinclair since you have refused my generosity.......your gonna wish you had accepted my offer." he cackled as horrifying as hearing a hyena laugh, inspiring a grin as demonic as a clown to sew up against his lips, provoking more fear to rumble in my veins from his wrath.

Oh no!

"Each stables that has a horse occupied needs aid, starting from cleaning out their shit to refilling the hay." he smirked as wickedly as a warlock exposing his teeth large and pointy as a vampire only to stimulate more fear to quiver in my veins as though I was faced with a titan. "And since you have no trouble finding an answer to refuse me........" he paused to release a chuckle as hefty as hearing a gunshot being fired, purposely leaning himself forward to feel his pecks as solid as a rock sink into my breast where his eyes where my only focus. "You'll find an answer what to what happens next." he swirled his face to hover over my shoulders feeling his warmth breath trickle down my neck. "Your gonna do this until I find pleasure in your work."

Out of nowhere I felt his hand grab onto my throat as roughly as a tighten neckless forcing instant suffocation to block any air to breathe in, as his fingers slowly dig deeper into my neck to feel as though sharp pointy nails were piercing me, encouraging fear and alarm cloud my veins from his sudden outburst.

"Don't.....disappointment, baby......or you leave me with no other choice." he warmed a callous as hearing a viper hiss, throwing me to the ground as forcibly as though a tornado had struck me scrapping the ground to feel a burning sensation fire in my knees and elbows as painfully as burning torched alive, but I couldn't care I was gasping from the lack of air.

He's so sick!

"AAaaahh." I cried, feeling my lungs expand and shrivel from lack of oxygen inhaling any ounce of air I lost from his grip to feel my chest ache as though his hand had strangled my lungs as well.

Jack released a few chuckles pitched with amusement sounding as creepy as a clown, stomping his way out the door to finally leave me in peace.

Finally it's over.........

I remain on the ground inhaling and exhaling to feel oxygen circle through me helping to cleanse any scent left from Jack, slowly feeling strength regain in me to proceed as though replenishing myself from hydration, but with everything I encounter there way one way to solve a problem.

Tears slowly begin to puddle in the corner of my eyes drained from his psychotic breaks forming 
embarrassment, sadness and weakness to thicken in my bloodstream influencing more of a reason to cry my sorrows away from his torment.

He'll never leave me alone, because he knows I'm not strong, and I'll never be able to stand up to him because I'm not a fighter..........I'm soft.

Tears escape down my eyelids devastated from the lack of strength I posses,  feeling wetness drizzle down each of cheeks like a raindrop to dampen my flesh like a wet cloth sobbing my pain away.

It's so hard for me to stand up to him. I feel weak standing up to someone whose so strong. I always feel like I'm a mouse in this world because I always feel small around vicious wolf's always stabbing people in the back to better themselves, while I'm a mouse who always sees the goodness in others and want to show my love and care.

Oddly enough I felt a light sensation briskly brush against the back of my forearm
as though a paintbrush was tickling my skin causing spook to shock my veins, lifting my head to see what was happening.


To a delightful surprise I spotted Gizzard's adorable face hovering over me like a little bee over a flower to see her dark brown snout bouncing up and down like a little's rabbit foot sparking a little ray of hope to gleam in my veins from her sudden attention.

She's such a beautiful dog....

"I wish you didn't have to see that sweetheart." I replied inhaling a little deeper to pick up any loose liquid dripping from my nose to somewhat feel more light. "Humans are suppose to be loving and kind towards one another."

Gizzard remained standing over me giving me the pleasure to gaze upon her beauty developing more passion to bloom in my body to interact with such an innocent creature, though the longer she continued to stare at me I started to notice softness dilate in her luscious brown eyes as diluted as looking into pudding.

I love animals so much. They are a blessing and a gift that people that for granite.

"If you where my doggie I would smother you with all my kisses, take you walks and most of all make sure you would never be hungry!" I mention finding a smile to grow along my lips the more interacted with such an adorable creature.

Gizzard continued to linger in silence allowing her eyes to do all the talking, slowly transferring herself to fluffy self to lay right across from me as though we where sitting on both sides of the master table, gaining the privilege to gaze upon her striking colors.

Aweee, she's so cute!

The more eyes gaze upon such an adorable creature, brown eyes as luscious as caramel, ears perked up like a little bunny and even her fluffy tail started to swish back and forth stimulating astonishment to flutter in my veins feeling as though I was laying in a field of flowers the longer I interacted with Gizzard nearly forgetting Jack's heinous crime.

I would love to lay here and stare at her all day, but I need to obey Jack's orders so I don't get into serious trouble.

I have a feeling he would kick me out of training if I don't obey my instructor.

"Common Gizzard!" I called, rising back onto my feet to feel gravity chain my legs, forgetting all my misery and pain. "Do you wanna help me with my chores today?" I mention with a smile forming along my lips to see her eyes shine as sparkly as topaz in sunlight.

Gizzard instantly shot up as fast as a stallion, rising on all four paws to notice more swishes and whirls spinning around her tail like a leaf dancing in the wind, encouraging more delight to sway in my veins knowing I was slowly gaining the vicious dog's loyalty.

Thank you Gizzard......you've helped me through a tough time with your presences.

Hopefully you will gain the love you need once you can trust me.

I'll always be there for you.

My smile remains on my lips eager to spend my chore with an animal that managed to cure my pain through her innocence. My furry friend accompanied me through every sweat and sigh like a little birdie on my shoulder, following my every move like a duckling with eyes as focused and intense as a snipper, making this day a little less painful and more pleasure able to spend it with Gizzard.....even making the next few days worth completing my responsibility knowing I get to see a friend in the end.

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