94. [When she's ready♡]

Start from the beginning

The next day...

Ava woke up earlier than the rest of the guests. Her parents had stayed the night because it was far too dangerous to drive back home at 4 in the morning. Ava made them breakfast before going back into her room to take a nap. Gracie ate with her grandparents whilst her mother rested. She also took it upon herself to escort them out the front door when they went back to their car. "Honey, make sure to have everything ready, well come back later to pick you up" her grandmother said as she stood before the entrance. "Okay- drive safe" Gracie responded politely. Waiting for them to drive off, she finally closed the door and locked it.

Gracie walked back into the room where her mother was curled onto her side, snoring softly. Ava rarely snored but when she did, it was because she was exhausted. Gracie unfolded one of the plush throws and draped it over her. She made sure that her mother was fully covered and warm, before walking back into her room

Nearly breathless, Jordan was enjoying a jog around the block of his neighborhood. It was quite chilly outside but the morning sun provided enough warmth to be outdoors. New Edition's 'Candy Girl' was blasting through his white headphones, connected to his phone. A couple of notifications caused it to vibrate into the pocket of his hoodie. He assumed it was his wife asking about his whereabouts. Or maybe one of his sons asking if they can go play ball later. He could feel his heartbeat steadying in his chest as he sat down in one of the benches located along the sidewalk. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, his lock screen immediately flashing his most recent notifications.

There were messages from Joey.

'Hey man, Merry Christmas! I hope you're having a great one! '

'Tomorrow- we should go grab a coffee or somethin' , on me of course!'

Jordan replied;

'Hey Joe, sounds good to me! I hope your Christmas is going great as well!'

He locked his phone and stuffed it back into his pocket before resuming his exercise. Beads of sweat were already forming in his forehead as he picked up the pace. He had 2 laps to go before going back home to take a much needed shower.

It was now 3 pm and Ava had just woken up to the sound of knocking on her bedroom door. Her eyes slowly fluttered open before gently getting up from the bed to see what her daughter wanted. When Ava opened the door, she saw Gracie standing beside a small suitcase and dressed warmly from head to toe.Noticing the questionable expression on her mother's face, Gracie showed the airplane tickets inside her hand.Ava finished rubbing the sleep from her eyes and now registered what was going on."You already have to go? - I thought you weren't gonna leave until tomorrow" Gracie forced out a small smile and responded "I know but dad is already at the airport waiting for me and grandma said they're on their way to pick me up". With everything that had happened, Ava had forgotten that Gracie's father was going to spend New Years with their daughter. They had agreed to spending certain holidays together whilst Gracie and her lived in Boston. "I'll see you when I come back next year" Gracie added as she pulled her mother in for a tight hug. Ava embraced her beloved daughter as if this moment had to be engraved in her brain. She would miss her dearly but it was only fair that she'd see her father. "Make sure to text me when you're at the airport and send me another text when you get back to LA" Ava told her as they pulled away. Gracie reassured that she's so just that.

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