93. [Mixed champagne and Whiskey♡]

Start from the beginning

Her POV♡

Why is he here? Wasn't he supposed to be with the guys? Oh god. That hurts. My heart hurts? Why does it hurt? It's not suppose to hurt.

In response, Jordan kissed her back with just as much want as her and that's what killed Ava inside. He claimed that he wasn't happy with his wife and here he was, kissing her like he couldn't get enough. "Eww please stop" the young boy said as his face twisted in minor disgust making Jordan chuckle. "Just go back to your game" he told him as his wife kissed his cheek. Jordan took this opportunity to look at Ava. He gave her an apologetic look but, fury threatened to consume her. Ava prayed for the light to flicker as they walked past them and stood next to the thick street pole. Tears of anger were on the verge of pouring out of her eyes but the soft touch of her daughter's hand grasping hers made her realize that she wasn't alone. "Mom are you ok?" Gracie asked casually as she locked her phone and walked beside her.

Ava's POV♡

Not happy with my wife, my ass. You're a fucking liar. Wasting my time. Messing with my heart, playing fucking games. You asshole.

They made it to the car as soon as they crossed the street. Ava's hands slightly trembled as she placed the key into the ignition. She pulled out onto the street and turned on the radio. Gracie wore her headphones so she didn't mind. Ava decided to take them to a nearby sandwich shop before heading back home.

Jordan, meanwhile was unpacking his luggage inside his shared bedroom with his spouse. He mentally cursed at himself for kissing his wife back in public. Although, he shouldn't feel this way but Ava didn't deserve to see that. He wondered how he would explain this to her. Jordan could not shake the disheartened expression on her face. Normally, he didn't mind a little PDA because he was a married man but he just hated the fact that Ava saw everything. But he was being a loving husband, it was the role he played oh so well. Out of all the people that saw, it had to be her. It angered him how their paths always crossed but during the wrong times. It was like the universe was going against them and punishing them for feeling what they felt.

Ava shut the bedroom door, the sight of her daughter sleeping relaxed her. Gracie was finally home for a few weeks and that filled her heart with joy. When she closed the door, tears formed in her eyes, her bottom lip taken in between her teeth to stifle in her sobs. Ava leaned her head against the door and closed her eyes. She had been holding in her pain for too long. Shaking her head she sank her teeth deeper into her lip.

The sound of her phone ringing for a brief second, caught her off guard. Wiping her tears with the cuffs of her sleeve, she reached for it. It was a message from Jordan.

"Idiot" she muttered to herself as she read it.

'Thinking of you right now. Don't let my actions fool you'

She didn't even think twice before responding ;

'Bullshit. Leave me alone Jordan.'

She turned off her phone for the night and decided to go into the kitchen to make herself tea. Turning on the tv, she hoped that 'Family Guy' was on, for she could use a good laugh. But instead, an nkotb music video began to play. On the screen, was Jordan trying to flirt with a gorgeous petite woman in what looked like a club. "Oh for fucks sake" Ava muttered angrily as she quickly changed the channel. She let out a loud sigh and threw the remote on the couch. The piercing sound of the kettle going off caused her to jolt. As she poured the hot water into a mug, she reminded herself to wake up extra early to grocery shop as Christmas Eve was the next day.

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