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"Yo this shit is hitting hard" I stated with some tears falling from my eyes as Will was listening. "She just had a check Up not to long ago the baby was active I don't know what happened" I said as tears fell and I quickly wiped them.

"Shes not even talking to me, she's not letting me touch her. Nothing." I stated
"What did I tell you?" Will started off "I told you when she got pregnant that whatever happens you need to stay by her side and comfort her. You think it's hitting you hard? it's hitting her harder because she's the one who was carrying the baby" will explained.

"You need to be in that operation room when she delivers even if she's not talking to you and even if you don't want to see your baby girl like that,  you need to be there." Will said.

"I don't want to be in there I'm going to lose my shit if I'm in there" I admitted. "No you stay calm due to her, you console your wife even if you're hurting, because she does the same for you. You pick up the slack in where she's slacking that means Jamaria too because she's going through some deep things right now" will explained as i wiped my tears.

"I got to go she has to deliver in like 30 minutes" I said looking at my phone as me and Will hugged. "I'm praying for you two" he said "thanks" I stated before walking out the door.

I knew I had to stay strong for Y/N but I couldn't be in there seeing her give birth and the baby comes out dead that's a lot.

I picked Y/N up from the house and she didn't say anything. We pulled up in front of the hospital and she burst out crying. I started tearing up as I looked at her.

"Baby it's okay we got to go" I tried to console her and rub her back but she continued to cry.

I didn't know exactly what to do it's something if she was miscarrying but she actually sees the baby come from out of her dead and I know this was about to take a toll on her.

"B-Baby we have to go" I said one last time as I rubbed her back. I got out closing my door running to her side and opening the door so she could get out. She slowly got out still having the sunglasses over her eyes.

She got checked in and told her she had to take off everything and place on a hospital gown. She didn't take the sunglasses off.

"Baby girl you need to take the sunglasses off" I said standing up about to take them off but she moved her face from my hands.

I sighed and watched her take off her glasses as her eyes were blood shot red and tears just continued to flow from her eyes.

I took a deep breath trying not to cry. We walked out of the room and I had all her things in a bag. The nurses and doctor had her get on the stretcher and had me change into a mask gloves and a pair of scrubs to be in the room for the c-section.

We got into a room as the doctor started going over something's. "Before we give you this medicine for the C-section would you like to push her out instead?" The doctor asked.

"Which one takes longer?" I asked "pushing because we have to dilate her" the doctor stated as she looked between Y/N and I. "If you plan to have a baby in the near future you will have to possibly have another c-section depending on how soon you have another one." She explained .

I looked over at Y/N as her hand was on her head. "The c-section" I stated as they proceeded with numbing her putting her on pain medication which made her throw up a lot while they were trying to take out the baby.

I kissed Y/N's head as she was crying, the doctor pulled the baby out as tears automatically fell from my eyes. She didn't move or anything eyes were closed skin was pale looking.

"Father you want to clip the umbilical cord?" One of the nurses asked as I shook my head no. I looked away as tears freely fell. They fixed Y/N up letting her see the baby making her cry even more. They cleaned the baby up and allowed Y/N to hold her.

Y/N kissed the baby's head before the nurse took the baby and handed her to me. I looked at her as tears fell. I kissed her head. "Good bye baby girl" I whispered handing her to one of the nurses as they placed the baby in the bed rolling her out the operation room along with Y/N.

Y/N medication was starting to kick in as she was beginning to get sleepy and loopy. They rolled her into her hospital room carefully placing her in her hospital bed.

They gave her a bin as she was continuously throwing up due to the medication she's under. I sat in the chair that was in the corner and placed my head in my hands.

It was 11 o clock and Y/N was on and off sleeping due to throwing up trying to get all the medication out of her system. The doctor was going to go over everything when Y/N was officially awake and back to the norm but right now she ain't here.

There was a knock on the door as I seen Tori and sterling come in with flowers. Steelo dapped me up and Tori hugged me. "She finally went to sleep?" Tori asked looking at her best friend.

"No that's the medication she's under" I said as Tori sat down along with Steelo. "I am so sorry" Tori said as I nodded "Y/N's not even talking to me" I said.

"I'll try talking to her but I'll give her a couple of days" Tori said looking over at her. "She's going through it right now just give her time" steelo said as I looked over at a sleeping Y/N.

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