Task Two: The Garden - Males

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District One - Howl Labyrine


"Dat sad moment
When u lose chip in dip
& u send in back up chip
But that 1 breks 2

Dem feels doe

Lyke my storie if u cri evertim"


District Two - Winchester Rifle II [8]

I made sure I was as  close to the little Distrct One girl as I could be before that gong  sounded. And don't go thinking it's cause I got noble or something. I  needed a pair of spry young legs to get my cane.

I smiled down at her,  putting on my sweetest grandpappy smile, and took it as a good sign when  she smiled back. "And what's your name then?"

"Virgo Rosaline Alizé." She said very clearly, and then in a quieter voice. "My brother calls me Rosie."

"That's quite the mouthful; I have me a long name too."

"What is it?"

"Winchester Remington Rifle the Second." I bent down a bit and whispered; "But you can call me Remy."

Little Virgo nodded like  a good little girl. She seemed like one that pretended to be grown up-  all children wanted to be grown ups quick as they could. Well she sure  would get her chance.

"Darlin', might I ask a  favour of you?" I hunched a little lower, tapping my knee. "This ol' leg  o' mine don' work too good no more. I need my cane to walk."

"My grandpa needed one too but then he died."

Well, you don't get more deadpan than that I suppose.

"I was just hopin' a clever little angel like you could hop along and help me get it. Provided you don't get yo'self hurt."

Little Virgo thought about it for a moment before nodding dutifully. "I'll be as quick as I can!"

"That's a good girl." I straightened my back- keeping it haunched was starting to hurt.

The gong sounded and the  eager young tributes bounded off their pedestals. A few stragglers set  off carefully; the older tributes were weary of the beautiful garden.  Only little Dove stayed where she was. I couldn't blame her family for  sending her off in her condition.

I climbed across the platforms until I was beside her. She was trying to climb down, but her dead legs stopped her.

"Hello there sweetheart. You're Dove, aren't you?" I smiled.

The girl looked up at me through her eyelids. Shyness made her a mute.

"I bet you wanna get  down and play, don't you?" Little Dove nodded and looked down at the  scrap of blanket in her hands. "Can I help ya down?"

From the corner of my  eye I saw a patch of thorns growing below her platform at a rapid rate.  Little Dove played with the fabric a bit longer before nodding. I put my  hands on her back and gave her a powerful shove forward. She shrieked  as she landed in the sharp, ever growing thorns. Her hair and skin were  caught in the brambles as they inched over her body.

She was nearly covered  when she stopped screaming. Like a hunting animal the thorns drew her  in; tightening until she was silenced.

I shook my head; Tenners were no smarter than their livestock.

The patter of feet drew  my attention- little Virgo was running back with my cane, waving it  wildly over her head. "Mister Remy! I got it!"

She already looked a  little scraped up, but not so much worse for wear. I clapped my hands  and climbed down from the pedestal, stepping away from the thorns.  "That's a girl! Aren't you the sweetest thing?"

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