Task Two: The Garden

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And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. ~ Genesis 2: 10-14

Disclaimer: Yes,  that is a Bible quote. No, I don't plan to Bible-thump - I had to google  it to find it. But it is relevant to the task, so...

Rarely are arenas  designed for beauty before deadliness, but Attina Besiay, even before  her instalment as Gamemaker, has been known for having an eye for looks.  Thus the paradisal garden that now stands before the tributes is no  surprise to any Capitol viewer already familiar with the viewer. Paths  trod between each pedestal and the Cornucopia, leaving the only easy  option the bloodbath; tributes wanting to avoid it will need to run  through the long grasses all around them and whatever horrors they may  be hiding. Even worse, however, is the forest that grows as far as the  eye can see, stretching through the south and east of the arena.

Every now and then,  pockets of flowers explode on the ground (figuratively - added due to  confusion). From roses that crawl across the ground, thorns ready to  prick anybody willing to risk going barefoot, to sunflowers stretched  towards the sky, there's no denying the aesthetic of it all. Soon it  will be spoiled by blood scrawling across the ground.

"Well, it's definitely pretty," spits Vienna. "But is it going to be of any use?"

In comparison, the  Gamemaker panel is dull and ugly, its grey walls decorated only by  sporadically flashing lights. Cicero raises an eyebrow, which is much  more response than Attina, who barely seems to have noticed, gives. That  being said, it doesn't take her very long to speak up, though she still  doesn't show sign of feeling as she replies.

"Just wait until the gong sounds. Tributes are tributes; things will be bloody no matter where they are."



- As you've probably  guessed, this is the bloodbath task. This means a lot of fighting and  death, as well as people taking supplies and running away. Fairly  straightforward.

- KILLS: Four  tributes must die in your entry, with another four coming in as ballot  deaths. These kills will be halved and removed from your score. Seeded  players will start with one kill removed. Nine will go up for votes,  with seven leaving us. (Note: It needs to be evident in some way in the  entry who your kills are. How you do this is up to you.)

- WORD LIMIT: 1,500 words. (1,750 words for seeded players.)

- DUE DATE: Monday, March 2nd at 10 PM GMT.


I know many people are  writing last minute and barely read the task, so - to make sure you  don't need to look any further, the end of each task will have the list  of remaining tributes.

District One, Howl Labyrine
District One, Virgo Alizé [1]
District Two, Winchester Rifle II [8]
District Two, Damaris Sultari
District Three, Fidelis Teague [3]
District Three, Tesla Slater
District Four, Negan Martin
District Four, Selene Albright [5]
District Five, Avner Emerson
District Five, Vivienne Bright
District Six, Leslie Tracks
District Seven, Ryker Woodley
District Seven, Cassidy Boulton
District Eight, Carlos Valentina
District Eight, Quinn Valentina
District Nine, Bran Hallis
District Nine, Eilidh Fleeden
District Ten, Jaxon Colby [7]
District Ten, Dove Evans [6]
District Eleven, Skylark Bowman Jr. [1]
District Eleven, Hettie Burris [4]
District Twelve, Egan Agni [4]
District Twelve, Anita Lear
District Thirteen, Aries Fission [2]
District Thirteen, Elemenope Hastings
Capitol, Judas Silver
Capitol, Asoka Ehnn [10]

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