District Two Male: Winchester Rifle II [8]

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Author: Zelda2h2

Name: "Winchester Remington Rifle the Second. Call me Rem if we're friends, call me Winnie and get whipped."

Age: "I will be sixty nine this comin' month. Why you laughin'? Show some respect!"

Sex: "Male, what else? No, I suppose I can't blame you for askin'. What with what they all 'fashion' nowadays, ya never can tell."

District: "Two. Worked hard to get there too."

Physical Description:  "Nothin' pretty to look at, that's fo' sure. I got skin blacker than  any dye in the Capitol, hair used to match, but it's goin' grey fast  nowadays. I got wrinkles with wrinkles, especially around the eyes. I  used to be a big, strong man. I'm still big and strong, almost six foot,  but with a few more liver spots and more skin hangin' than the tree!  Heh heh- Whaddaya mean I can't make that joke? See, that's the problem  with you chillun nowadays...I always try and dress sharp. Keep clean,  wash behind my ears, trim the beard, that sort of thing. There. Was that  clean enough for you?"

Personality:  "Most would say I'm a little intolerant but that's not true. I tolerate  you; unless you're an undesirable minority! Huh? Whatcha say? I'm a  minority? Pah! I am educated, not like those back breakers over in  Eleven! But better them than those dust sniffers in Twelve!"

Background: "My  daddy was born in Two, worked as a Peace Keeper stationed in Twelve.  Worked real hard each day, met my mama, got hitched and had me. I got  brought to Two and got trained up for Peace Keepin' soon as I was able  to walk. I served there for almost sixty years; up until my knee got all  twitchy. I saw everything from the Captiol to Twelve. Never did see  mama or daddy again though; but I got married to the most beautiful  woman in Two, had three chillun- only one of 'em's got kids. Two little  grandbabies, I got. Neither one of em's named for me though. So much for  carryin' on tradition."

Family: "Papa was  the first in our family to be called Winchester, me being the second. I  named my first son the third, too. Mama's name was Amira Dalit, 'fore  she got married.

Then I got my late wife, Curtana. Ana was what I called her, only I got to call her that too.

Little Remy, my  firstborn, he's got a wife and a couple of kids. Then there's Dirk, my  other boy, and Épée- her mama named her, if you couldn't tell. They both  got 'careers' and 'no time fo' family'. Ungrateful, s'what I call 'em!"

Reaped/ Volunteered: "Volunteered. I knew they were gonna make me to anyways. Figured I may as well go on my own terms."

Reaction/ Reason:  "It was either me, or the baby. And I don't think the baby knows how to  kill a man. Shoot, kid can't even tie his own shoes yet."

Strengths: "Child  I got more experience in my left thumb than you got in your whole body.  I been watchin' these Games here since before you was born- and  trainin' up just as long."

Weaknesses: "I'm old. I ain't afraid to say it. Lord knows you're all thinkin' it."

Weapon: "Well, my  cane I suppose. Can't get around much without it these days. Only way  they'll let me keep it is if I call it a weapon. So there you go."

Token: "I kept ahold of my wife's weddin' ring. Buried her with mine, so seems only right I live with hers."

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