District Six Male: Dmitri Varucca

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Author: forever-unfulfilled

Name: Dmitri Varucca

Age: 63

Sex: Male

District: 6

Physical Appearance:  A short stocky man who is slightly balding, Dmitri is nothing  remarkable to look at. He has light brown eyes and a thin mouth, and a  few wrinkles cover his face, probably caused by all the pressure working  in Six. His hair, once jet black but now flecked with grey, is usually  cut very short. He is quite tan and has strong arms and legs.

Personality:  Dmitri is a pessimist. He always sees the negative side of whatever  situation he is in, and he rarely is one for encouragement speeches.  When he speaks to his children and grandchildren, it is usually in a  criticizing or condescending manner and he doesn't like to sugarcoat  things. He doesn't usually try to make himself unsociable, but he also  doesn't mind that he is. Usually, most people consider him to have  almost no filter at all in the way he bluntly says anything is on his  mind and never tries to censor anything, but underneath his quite  unappealing personality he is actually a very caring man who will do  anything for his family and the people he is close to.
Background:  Having worked on the railroad for many years, Dmitri was used to working  hard. He was the only child in his family, and his parents had  different jobs on the railroads too. At the age of twenty-two, he got  married to one of his old schoolfriends and had two kids with her. He  still works in the railroad, except now he gets tired faster and doesn't  have his old strength.

Family: Dmitri  owns a rather large house for a family in Six, but it seems small with  all the people that live in it. His wife Myrine tends to the house and  takes care of the kids. He has two daughters named Alecto and Antonia  (thirty-one and twenty-nine years old); Antonia works on the rail with  him but Alecto is a mechanic. Alecto was married to another mechanic  named Gerard and had two children named Taro (twelve) and Kayna (eight).  She left him two years prior to Dmitri's reaping due to his being lazy,  and so she and her kids went back to live with her parents and sister.  When the Varucca family was reaped, Dmitri figured out he would be the  one volunteering as he was the oldest of the family. After all, he was  probably the one dying first anyway.


Reaction: He was  clearly shocked inside as he figured he was going to be the one to  volunteer, but he did his best not to show it. After all, he had to be  the strong one in the family and he was never one to put on a show for  the cameras.

Strengths: Dmitri is strong, and he is hard to fool as he doesn't take crap from anyone.

Weaknesses:  Having never been trained with a weapon is definitely a disadvantage.  Also he's not too fast or light on his feet, and he runs out of energy  rather quickly.

Weapon: Having  never been trained, Dmitri has no idea what weapon he would be good at.  He thinks a sword looks quite easy to use, though.

Token: He had a chain that Kayna made for him a long time ago, but it broke while he was fiddling with it on the train.

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