District One Male: Howl Labyrine

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Author: HeadOnJackwards

Name: Howl Labyrine

Age: 21

Sex: Male

District: One

Physical Description:  Howl has copper-brown hair that is kept short and clean. As the  classicality of it goes, the sides of his head are closely shaven, but  the hair on top is long, glossy and wavily upright. With thin lips and a  small rounded nose, Howl's main attraction lies in either his off-blue  eyes or the small clutter of freckles that scatter underneath them. Pale  of skin, his classical features, yet striking colours, have allowed him  to stand out as a controversial beauty in District One. Standing out  amongst the blue eyed, blonde haired population, Howl does not care much  in terms of cultivating this 'alien' beauty. With a typically athletic  structure, Howl's height is 6ft 3.

Personality: The  career has grown up with the mind to always defend himself. Not win so  much for the sake of glory, but more so for the sake of survival. Kind  and reasonable, Howl's main trait would be his unbreakable determination  and assertiveness. With solid priorities, Howl doesn't fuss over much.  He questions things often, but is quick to accept the inevitability of  most things. He is smart and approaching toward every decision.  Competitive, yet a quick learner and thinker, it is hard to catch him in  a moment of recklessness. However, a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, he  relies largely on chance. Because of this, the young adult has a  tendency to underestimate something he knows little about, yet he'd  never regret a thing.

Background: Howl  began training at the age of six, though the intention of entering for  the games was never something he had in mind. He would just accept that  if it happened, it would happen, end of story. With two older brothers, a  sister, and a younger brother, Howl wasn't the first nor last of his  siblings to train for the games. Although he never volunteered or was  chosen for the games during his legibility, the man continued to train  himself, and train others at the academy, out of pure habit and choice  of lifestyle.

Family: His  youngest brother, Arga, is 13. Arga has trained for the games, and has  shown great promise physically, yet the boys mentality falters due to  his uncompetitive nature. Next is Howl's second brother, Orcadio, 23.  Orcadio and Howl grew up close together and the two have often  conflicted. Although Orcadio originally trained for the games, he let  himself go when his eligibility for the games ended. Now, he is mentally  and physically inferior to Howl, Jest and Jarret. Following Orcadio is  the 24 year old, Jest. Pretty, yet somewhat ungraceful, Jest excelled in  ranged attacks. And finally, the eldest is Jarret, 26. A victor from  the age of seventeen. He admires mind over physical strength and has  grown a lot weaker since his victory. Howl's parents, Dire and Vellous,  are very close to each of their children and have respected jobs within  the community of District One. The family owns a great chain of  products, famously crafted with silver ores.


Reaction: It was a  shocking moment when the Labyrine family name was called out. Not  exactly eternally loved, but certainly well respected. The family had in  fact discussed briefly who would take the place as tribute. Without  questioning it much more, Howl understood what he should do.

Strengths: Like  most careers, Howl has trained from a very young age. Naturally rounded  in the athletics of competing, Survival is his instinct. Although not  usually considered a strength exactly,  in consideration of the other  competition Howl has an advantage in terms of age and because of that, a  more resilient mentality and physique.

Weaknesses: Howl  has a fear and an allergy toward bees and wasps. He has a tendency also  to be distracted by breathtaking sights and imagery, including other  people.

Weapon: Howl  prefers the heat of close combat and will usually wield a sword to  defend himself. Yet he is more skilled in the area of throwing knives,  kunai and shuriken.

Token: A silver  ring that has the Families complex and intricate coat of arms engraved  into it. Without knowing it is from the families business, it looks like  a vast labyrinth.

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