Task One: Moments - Males

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District One - Cartier Graff

"I suppose it all  began with a boy. That's how these things tend to work, don't they? It's  always the first one that has the most effect on you."

I leaned back in my  chair and smiled at the camera, giving it a little wave. "Hello, Roland.  I know your watching at home. Bet you wish you had taken me up on that  offer now, huh?"

My foot tapped against the floor- with each tap a little more glitter fell from my body. Oh well. I still looked amazing.

"You see, good people  of Panem, I get what I want. I always have. In fact the only reason I  am here today is because I want to be. Because I need to remind everyone  that I am the best, just like I reminded you, eh little Roland?

"Let's see, it was  what, ten? Eleven years ago? Actually it was eleven years, two months,  sixteen days- I have a fabulous memory. Yet another advantage I have  going for me. Regardless, it was when I was a child. I had already  started playing the Hunger Games- smaller scale versions of course, with  the other children. Then one day, Roland- you were always such a  bleeding heart! Found a little bird with a broken wing."

I ran my fingers over  the feather that hung from my neck. "I was a sociable boy, friends with  everyone. If you weren't my friend, well I probably broke a finger or  two until you changed your mind. But Roland was such a good friend of  mine, he showed me his new little friend. A young Jabberjay- a rare find  in our little neck of the woods.

"Together we cared  for the little thing, I named it Onyx- beautiful name for a beautiful  creature. Sure you tried to hide it again, keep me from my little bird,  but I knew you were only playing."

My foot tapped a bit  faster as the story went on, and the smile never left my face. I was on  television, after all. Nothing bothered me more than those competitors  that were stone faced all of the time.

"Onyx grew big and  strong. Roland wanted to set him free to be with his own kind. But I  wanted him to stay with us forever. Do you remember, Roland? You do. You  remember what happened next. You see," I leaned forward, clasping my  hands in front of me.

"Part of life,  children, is learning lessons. The best way to learn a lesson is through  experience. Roland learned that when I want something I get it, as I  said before. I learned that if I can't have something..."

I reached up to hold out my Jabberjay feather.

"...No one can." I  chuckled. "How that bird fought against me! Gave me a good peck, tried  to fool me with it's calls- it's neck made a lovely snap. Isn't that  right, Roland? Yes...Hm, tweet tweet-" I snapped my fingers. "Dead."


District Two - Atticus Leigh

Atticus rolled his eyes  as he listened to his stylists prattle on about whatever Capitol news  they thought was most interesting as they dolled him up for his  interview. When they were finally done, a man entered the room. After a  moment, Atticus recognized him as Cicero, one of the Gamemakers.  Straightening his shoulders, Atticus gave him a confident smile. Cicero  nodded at him and then said coolly "Follow me." Atticus nodded and  followed him into a plain, empty room, apart from a large camera.  Raising his eyebrow, Atticus looked at Cicero. He'd expected to be taken  to the usual interview room; apparently, Cicero had other ideas.

Looking over at Atticus,  Cicero gestured towards the camera. "This year, you will not be  interviewed. Instead, you will speak into the camera and tell Panem of  the event that has effected you the most as a person." He said crisply,  before walking over to the camera and turning it on. He turned to  Atticus. "I will be back for you in 2 hours." He said, before exiting  the room.

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