District Eight Male: Carlos Valentina

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Author: YourAverageDemigod

Name: Carlos Valentina, but just call him Carl, he only let's his REAL PARENTS call him Carlos.

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Physical Description:  Carl is the identical twin of Quinn, except he's a boy. His hair is the  same silver blonde color and his eyes are a silvery blue unlike Quinn's  ,whose eyes are filled with joy at times, Carl's eyes are cold and  filled with anger, with madness.... His skin is a ivory color, he has  the same rosy cheeks and rose pink lips as Quinn's. Carl's usually wears  dark blue jackets with black shirts underneath and blue jeans and  sneakers.

Personality: Carl  is unlike all his family's members, he was once a joyful little boy who  loves a little game of baseball, but ever since his mother's death he  turned cold hearted.... As if a monster, that was once hiding deep  inside him, has been released. He is now like the other side of Quinn,  who enjoys death, who thirst for blood to be on their hands, for the  blood to dye their hands even when he washes it off.

Background: Carl  lived the life, such as Quinn, he was raised to sew and that he did.  When his mother died, Carlos lost control.... He didn't know anything  anymore, he felt like a newborn baby. Then his sister got him back on  his feet and the world went back to the normal way.

Family: Angelina Hunterdon (Carlos's dead mother)
             Rita Constantine (Step Mother)
             Xavier Valentina (Father)
             Carlos Valentina (Carlo's twin brother)
             Scarlett Valentina (Little Sister of Carlos daughter of Rita and Xavier)
             James Valentina (Little Brother, son of Rita and Xavier)

Reaped or Volunteer? Volunteer

Reaction/Reason: Carlos was very excited about volunteering, he had an amazing plan that involved his sister Quinn, and it worked!

Strengths: Quinn.

Weaknesses: His dead mother

Token: A locket he got, or you can say taken from his mother.

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