Task Four: False Haven

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As Vienna looked over  the arena, standing over a miniaturized replica of its glory, she  couldn't help but feel that strange sense of melancholy. Twelve tributes  had already passed since the beginning of the Games a week ago, and,  while she didn't care much about that, it was bittersweet to know that  her Games were almost halfway through. With a sigh, she added the faces  of the deceased to the sky.

Atticus Leigh, Atalanta James, Caddis Fuller, Indigo Hartman.

In the arena, things are  a mess. Tributes are hungry and thirsty, stumbling blindly from trap to  trap. A few are on the verge of falling into pits, but they don't know  it. In reality it's quite a pathetic sight to witness so many teenagers,  dirty and rabid and fighting to the death, but it's entertainment  nonetheless.

Perhaps it's time to send them a reward of sorts.

As the tributes continue  to stumble down the tunnels, somehow separated from their allies in the  storm of the fights surrounding them, something spots their eye. Even  in the darkness of the tunnels, this is something that they recognize in  a heartbeat. This is their haven.

Or is it?



- Your tribute has  reached a location in their life that has always made them feel safe -  whatever that place is is up to you. There must, however, be one. Don't  try pulling the "I'm not safe anywhere" card because it's melodramatic,  cliché and unrealistic and you will not score above a 7 at best.  However, there is something off with this alleged haven, and that  something is either dangerous or harmful in a non-physical way. Endure  it.

- KILLS:  Two ballots. Nothing in the entry. Three will be up for votes, with only  two leaving us - expect more in the next two tasks if you make it.  Those will be fun.

- WORD LIMIT: 1,750 words.

- DUE: Monday, January 5th, 2015 (just felt like specifying 2015. Happy New Year!) at 10 PM GMT.

May the odds be ever in your favour.

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