Capitol Female: Annalise Lutz

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Name: Annelise Mikaela Lutz

Age: 18

District: The Capitol

Physical Description:  Annelise, unlike many in the Capitol, actually looks rather ordinary.  She stands at precisely five feet, six inches tall, with curly brown  hair that stubbornly refuses any dye or permanent style cropped along  her jawline and up around the back of her head. Reasonably full lips,  dark eyebrows, and an acceptable, though rather large, nose fills her  oval-shaped face. Annelise's favorite feature, though, is definitely her  eyes- with a thin ring of grey on the edge of the iris and a middle  portion of green that warms to hazel near the pupil, they attract  attention and compliments from the few people who look her eyes and take  notes. Annelise is quite thin for her age- too thin in certain areas,  she often complains to her friend T, who lacks that problem. With  regards to modifications found so often in the Capitol, she has none; an  overprotective mother and crippling fear of needles preclude major  changes. The only significant concession to fashion lies in a henna  tattoo on her back of a unicorn. This is redone regularly.

Personality:  Annelise is best known for her exuberant displays of emotion, whether  expressing happiness as to the outcome of a favorite book, sadness as to  the outcome of a favorite book, contempt for an author's lack of  creativity... well, let's just say her feelings are frequently  book-centric. Her forays into literature have given her a fondness for  wordplay (even if she needs to wait a couple of hours to come up with  that perfect put-down.) With people she knows well in addition to those  with whom she has only a passing acquaintance, Annelise is perfectly  happy unloading everything she feels at any given moment. Everything.  And she never has a shortage. She firmly believes no conversation is  complete without a hug, a poke, or some other sort of tactile  interaction. Finally, even a minute long conversation with Annelise  would reveal her intense devotion to and knowledge of unicorns. The fact  that it's a personality trait ought to describe the degree.

Background:  Born to a kind but flighty mother and a stern Peacekeeper father,  Annelise has always had some trouble fitting in with her family. Though  she loves every one of them dearly, she rarely sees eye to eye with her  parents on certain issues like proper careers, hobbies, and why she  can't get up and go outside like a normal person. The effect is  exacerbated by her little brother Jack, who strongly takes after their  father and is training to be a Peacekeeper. Due to this frustrating  clash, Annelise spends a great deal of time alone, writing. She has  rarely followed the Hunger Games with anything more than horrified  fascination, finding them too macabre for her tastes.


Reaction:  After a moment of stunned silence, Annelise slowly walked up to the  podium and turned to face the crowd. Leaning into the microphone, she  announced with great dignity that, if she won, she had better receive  "at least a pegasus" for her troubles.

Knowledge  of Unicorns: Annelise knows more about unicorns than any living person  in Panem. It is quite probable that she knows more about them than the  rest of Panem combined, including her weird cousin Danny who is forty  and still lives at home.

Acting: Her habit of  sharing her immediate thoughts, her skill with wordplay, and her  extremely strong emotions all combine to create talents at acting and  bluffing that are beyond compare. Given a second to talk, Annelise can  talk her way out of a sticky situation, or at least confuse her  opponents greatly before they kill her.

Inner Balance: As she  shares what she feels and thinks, Annelise is remarkably balanced and  happy. She lacks the mental blocks caused by completely controlled or  repressed emotions.


Lack of Survival  Skills: Annelise has none of the fighting or survival skills one would  think are useful for the Hunger Games, caused by a deep loathing of the  outdoors in general. In addition, she in uncoordinated in way that would  suggest her lineage includes species with a different number of legs.  Perhaps a unicorn. A five-legged unicorn.

Lack of Rationality:  Though hardly unintelligent, Annelise makes most of her decisions based  on her emotions, often rejecting logic and following odd impulses.  Though this allows her to respond relatively quickly to a situation, she  frequently ends up reacting in a way that is at best strange and at  worst nearly self-destructive.

Phobias: Annelise  has a crippling fear of motor vehicles. And spiders. And needles. And  blood. And low-pitched noises. All of which are likely to be troublesome  in the Hunger Games.

Weapon: A nail file, something used by one of the few tributes she remembers and admires.

Token:  A pouch of glitter made from powdered topaz, her favorite gemstone. The  packet was given to her on her sixteenth birthday by her mother.

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