Capitol: Scorpio Ramsey

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Name: Scorpio Ramsey

Age: 16

District: Capitol

Physical Description:  Scorpio has dyed, blue hair that is shaves on the side. It's short and  spiky. His eyes are bright blue. His skin tanned and he has Tattoos up  his arms. Scorpio is tall, as well as muscular. He has scars on his  stomach and one on his face. Nobody knows where he really got them from.  Oh, Scorpio also has one ear piercing.

Personality:  Scorpio is smart, and not many people realise this, they just take him  as the normal, spoilt Capitol guy. So maybe he is, but he's surely  smarter than you would think. Scorpions outgoing, as well as a ladies  man. He is twenty percent nice, forty percent mean, and forty percent  that girl is pretty, let's go flirt with her. He doesn't really have  friends, he usually collects a bunch of followers who he wouldn't trust  with his darkest secrets, and yes, he has dark secrets. The only person  he tells his secrets to is Leroy,his twin brother. They are really  close. Oh, is jokes also mention Scorpio loves pranking people. Not  funny pranks, but just plain mean pranks that he finds amusing.

Background: He  lives a good life at the Capitol being wealthy with the right food and  training available. His mum, dad, sister and his twin brother all care  for him very much, although he mainly talks to his twin, Leroy. 


Reaction/Reason: He didn't care, just shrugged his shoulders. He's been training all his life anyway.

Strengths:Strong,good athletic endurance, smart

Weaknesses:friendship, loyalty, trust

Weapon: knife

Token: doesn't have one

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