District Eight Male: Caddis Fuller

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Name: Caddis Fuller

Age: 14

District: Eight

Physical Description:  Caddis is different from most in his district in many ways- but mostly  physically. He has almond shaped eyes and yellowish-brown skin. His  whole family is Asian, the only different-looking bunch in this  district. He has forest-green eyes, and his lips are as pink as a peach,  but his weird all-over-the-place brown hair makes him blend in a bit.  He's quite tall for his age, and his broad shoulders make him seem all  the more muscular. But in truth, Caddis is one of the laziest boys in  the whole of Panem, and he doesn't want to do anything against it.

Personality:  Caddis is lazy. Like, extremely lazy- so much so that about two-thirds  of the District doesn't even know he exists. The other third only know  about him because he still goes to school. Caddis is actually pretty  smart, friendly, and could be a great runner- if he didn't have such a  weak mind. Caddis' other worst trait is his clumsiness- he trips over  everything!

Background:  Caddis was born into a strange family- his mother's side Asian, with  great legends of a strange continent called Asia, and weird fetishes  that aren't known in Panem. His father's side is full of rebels- they  say that the first rebellion was started because of his family. Caddis  has three brothers and two sisters, and he is the youngest in the  family.

He was a mistake, and  even his parents admit it- they didn't want a sixth child, in fact, they  only wanted one in the first place. But Caddis' father already had a  son from his first marriage, where his wife died, and so there was a  little anger between the newly weds- and then Caddis' mother got  pregnant. With twins. But, Caddis' parents only call him a mistake,  because the others are hardworking people, who earn money for the  family- making the family much richer than it should be.


Reaction:  Caddis yawned- he literally didn't understand a word the escort spoke,  and so he just stood there, almost asleep standing, with eyes open when  the Peacekeepers towed him up onto the stage. And then he fell asleep.

Strengths:  Caddis, with strengths? Ha! But when pressured into it, Caddis thinks  quickly, and reacts even faster. He can also hide easily- his thin body  lets him slip between things. He also sleeps extremely quietly, without  snores, snuffles or any loud sniffs.

Weaknesses:  Caddis falls asleep easily, and is hard to wake up. His biggest  weakness is sleep. But he also has nightmares about the inability of  sleep, which means he sleeps a lot. He is also pretty clumsy...

Weapon:  Caddis using a weapon? Unimaginable! But he may somehow be able to...  oh forget it. There is no way Caddis is going to live through theses  Games- and he most probably won't even live through the Bloodbath. He  doesn't know how to handle a weapon, and I don't think he will.

Token: He doesn't have one- sleep is the only thing he wants and would bring from home, if he must choose something.

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