District Ten Male: Jaxon Colby [7]

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Author: ElfOfResilience

Name: Jaxon Levi Colby

Age 21

Sex: Male

District: Ten

Physical Appearance:  Jaxon follows the tradition of tanned skin and dark, large eyes, yet  his seem more childlike than those around him. Jaxon's hair, unlike a  lot of his brothers, remains a lighter shade of brown; all his brothers  except for Sawyer have blonde hair, especially during the summer. Jaxon -  and his entire family - are tall, muscular, prepared for their work in  the fields. Dimples and a strong jawline often catch the attention of  females his age, especially those who assist him in the fields. Jaxon is  a handsome man and he knows it, but he doesn't often flaunt it.

Personality:  Jaxon likes to remain quiet; he rarely causes an uproar. At home, he  eats what he's given and he follows the instructions his parents give  him - if he didn't, he'd be living on his own. Like the animals he tames  in the fields, he's obedient and gentle, no matter what people put him  through. Saying that, Jaxon knows how to be ruthless and he isn't afraid  to bite if someone is attacking him. One time he broke another man's  collarbone after the man tried to start a fight with Otis.

Background: Jaxon  is the first of six boys to his parents, and he seems to be the one  that receives the most neglect. Often more than not, he would leave home  at an early age - roughly eight or so - and not come back until curfew.  Because of the neglect from his parents, he knows how to survive  without company. When he was in need of company, he'd often turn to  Sawyer before anyone else, despite the eight year age gap. Jaxon never  really put himself out there, passing his school tests and getting a job  and leading a normal life like he was told to do. He's always been  behaved, yet he always wanted to do something spectacular, something his  parents wouldn't be able to stop him from doing.


Father, 50

Mother, 48

Otis, 17

Sawyer, 13

Griffith, 12

Dustin, 12

Nathaniel, 9


Reaction:  shocked, to say at the least. He didn't expect it to be his family - and  he didn't expect them to send him, the money-earning member of the  family, into the arena.

Strengths: Jaxon  is a muscular guy, athletically fit and capable of fighting and  exercising for long periods of time. The heat doesn't bother him, so  roaring temperatures won't dent him. He knows how to climb, tame animals  and he isn't a bad swimmer.

Weaknesses: Bugs.  Despite growing up in a District known for animals, Jaxon hates bugs.  He also can't stand the idea of his brothers getting hurt, especially  Sawyer. He is terrible with the cold and he is partially deaf in his  right ear.

Weapon: A whip  doesn't do enough damage to kill, so he'd use a small blade or fire to  finish off his opponent. But a whip would be ideal if some blade or  spike was to feature on the whip...

Token: The tooth  of a cow. He was wrestling the animal, trying to get it to calm down,  when a tooth popped from the mouth of the cow. It calmed down almost  immediately after that.

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