District Eight Female: Indigo Hartman

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Name: Indigo Hartman

Age: 17

District: District 8

Physical Description:  Indigo is quite petite and small. Her wavy blonde hair reaches her  sides, or her forearm. She has soft pink lips and calming hazel eyes. To  most people with just her height, she would look around 12. Indigo  wears contacts, but has glasses at night. Her skin is a loud tan. She  looks as if she lived in the sun. Her normal shoe wear is sandals, but  she also enjoys running shoes. All the clothes Indigo wears she designs.

Personality:   Indigo is quirky and sweet. She cares a lot about her community. She  donates clothes to the poor districts, so they could have new ones they  fit in. The way she feels towards the capitol is mangled. She hates the  idea of the games, but she thinks that they are doing a good job keeping  everyone in line. What shocks people is when she meets someone new, she  stumbles on her words and becomes shy.

Background: She  began designing clothes when she was 10. Her mother never approved of  her style, or the way she acted. After that, they had an argument, which  ended up in her being slapped. Indigo moved out and into her best  friend Gradey's house. When she turned 15, her clothes were being sent  into the capitol.


Reaction/Reason:  Her eyes watered but she wiped it away. Indigo put on her best act of  being strong. Her mother showed no remorse when she visited her before  she was taken to the train.

Strengths: She's actually very skilled with a sword. She is also very quick on her feet and good with nature.

Weaknesses: Swimming, Spear, and throwing things.

Weapon: A sword and a knife

Token:  https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpzS-LIe-79xvIY2f0sKMX-Vd7495o7uDSgQaeyEXnRLsBWcPjNA  Given to her by Gradey

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