District Eleven Female: Yuna Alvarez

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Name: Yuna Alvarez

Age: Fifteen years old.

District: Eleven

Physical Description:  Yuna's stature is tall and skinny thanks to years of hard work in the  orchards with little food.  Her dark brown eyes are small but wide.  Her  lips are a natural shade of pink.  Her dark wavy hair tumbles down to  her midback, and often has to be put up into a bun for work in the  orchards.

Personality: Yuna  doesn't talk much.  It's not that she can't, it's that she prefers not  to.  Her socialization is mainly restricted to her family, but her twin  sister includes her in her circle of friends.  She likes to hum a lot,  and when she does speak, she has a tendency to repeat certain words that  she likes.

Background: Yuna  was born the fifth child of the family out of six kids, right after her  twin Lydia.  She grew up a bit of a loner, but she worked on the  orchards like anyone else.  As Yuna was a slow worker, Lydia would often  do more work to ensure that Yuna's quota was always filled.  Lydia had  always promised Yuna she would take care of her should anything happen,  and volunteer if Yuna was ever reaped, but when Yuna was reaped, she  noticed that her sister didn't say a word.


Reaction: She  stood there for a few minutes, not realizing her name had been called.   Eventually she realized it was her they were talking to and went up to  the stage.  Her surprise at being brought up in front of all those  people distracted her from the fear of the situation.

Strengths: Yuna  is very good at aiming.   She's developed a skill for climbing, and is  naturally quiet.  She isn't squeamish about killing animals for food.

Weaknesses: Yuna  has trouble distinguishing friends from foes, and can be too trusting.   She also has trouble with memorization, in the case of edible and  inedible plants.   She's not very fast for long distances.

Weapon: A bow and arrow.

Token: A blue ribbon tied around her wrist from her brother Eugene.

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