Task Eight: Surviving Today /F

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It's all over.

Days and weeks of  darkness in the Games don't seem like such a long time when you've got a  whole lifetime ahead of you, but they stick. They remain in your mind  and heart, leaving you with nothing but bad dreams at night. Some days,  however, life goes on as it normally would, with happiness - or as close  as it can get - with those who care for you. Others, however... some  things just can't be forgotten.

"The victor is too  unstable, mother. We can't possibly let them into society. They're a  danger to themselves. Hell, under the right circumstances, with the  right triggers, they're a danger to others. We can't have that on our  hands."

"But we must. We made a  promise, Cicero, and plenty of victors are a little on the broken side  anyway. There will be days that are just like the Games, I know that.  But those days will past. Our victor just needs to survive them."

"And if they could survive the Games, there's no way they won't be able to survive the ordinary? Is that what you think?"

"Oh, no. The ordinary is  much worse: there, there's no distractions. But they're fighters,  aren't they? That's how they got this far."



- This task actually  happens outside the Games. You may include flashbacks to them if you  wish - though it isn't necessary - but the key part of it should happen  outside the arena. Your task is to write the hardest moment your tribute  has faced since winning the Games. Yes, they do need to win. This  event, however, can happen any time after this, regardless as to whether  they're twelve, forty, or ninety.

- WORD LIMIT: 2.000 words.

- DUE DATE: Monday, February 2nd at 10 PM GMT.

Also (the moment you've been waiting for), congratulations to our finalists:

District One, Jamilla Argentaria - SilverAndGoldfish
District Seven, Esmerelda Mae - katniss-everdeen
Capitol, Annalise Lutz - jujukingofearth

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