District Ten Female: Dove Evans [6]

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Author: Clove_Thenardier

Name: Dove Evans

Age: Eight years old

Gender: Female

District: Ten

Physical Description:  Dove's dirty blonde hair is often left knotted and unkempt down to her  waist.  This doesn't matter, seeing as she spends most of her time in  bed.  Her grey eyes are bright despite having rarely had a chance to see  sunlight.  Like many members of Ten, Dove's skin is naturally brown,  although hers is a much lighter shade than others in her district due to  lack of time outdoors.

Personality: Dove  finds social contact rather difficult, due to both her shyness and her  lack of experience.  She looks on the bright side seeing as she doesn't  feel there's any alternative.  She yearns to be able to run around  outdoors and play 'real games'.  She doesn't quite understand that the  Hunger Games are not the kind of games she dreams of playing.

Background: Dove  was born paralyzed from the waist down.  Because of this, she cannot  work.  In a district where every single family member over the age of  four is expected to work to help feed themselves, this is a rather large  problem.  On top of that, caring for Dove takes up a lot of time, time  that could be spent working to feed the family.   However, the greatest  trouble that Dove brought upon her family was to her mother.  Her birth  hurt her mother greatly, and when Anastasia became pregnant with another  child a few years later, she didn't survive that birth.


Sage Evans-Paternal Grandmother

Jasper Evans-Father

Anastasia Evans-Mother (deceased)

Wren-brother (eighteen)

Talon-brother (sixteen)

Lark-sister (fourteen)

Sparrow-sister (twelve)

Finch-sister (ten)

Phoenix-sister (six)


Reaction:  When  their name was announced, the family huddled up and they all agreed that  it was for the best that they sent Dove in.  Talon was the only one to  disagree, but as he was a boy, there wasn't anything he could do about  it.  Dove herself was thrilled.  She doesn't really understand the  Hunger Games, but all she understood was that finally she was going to  get to play a game.  Her father and brothers had to carry her up to the  stage.

Strengths: For an  eight year old girl, Dove is surprisingly brave.  She won't cry out  just because she sees something frightening, or feels some form of  discomfort.  She's good at hiding.  She's also smart, and since she's  read a lot of books she's familiar with what plants are edible and which  are poisonous.

Weaknesses: She  would never be able to kill anyone.  Ever.  Even if she wanted to, she  wouldn't be able to.  Dove isn't physically or mentally strong enough.   Even killing animals for food, in the scenario that she would be  physically capable of doing so, would be a long shot.  On top of that,  she's too trusting. And of course, she's paralyzed.

Weapon: A dagger

Token:  The last  remaining scrap of the baby blanket Dove's mother made her (the rest of  it having been torn off to make a blanket for Dove's younger sister).

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