District Twelve Male: Orion Osmont

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Name: Orion Osmont

Age: Fifteen

District Twelve

Physical Description:
A  constant sneer sits on Orion's face, which sets the tone for the rest  of his appearance. His hair is the same grungy shade of brown as  basically everyone he knows, and he never bothers combing it. What's the  point in looking nice if people know basically everything about you  just based off of the color of your skin and hair? His skin is naturally  a lighter olive shade, although it's darkened by grime and coal dust.  His eyes are probably the only thing about him that isn't brown, and  even they are just hazel. Nearly everything about Orion's appearance,  from his short, slight build, to his hunched-over stature, is completely  forgettable. His sneer is perhaps the only thing that makes him stand  out from the crowd.

Orion  is pessimistic, but most would agree that he is all the right to. He  truly believes that he's been dealt basically the worst hand possible in  life, and that he has the right, if not the obligation, to complain  about it. This pessimism probably influences Orion's personality more  than anything else. His wry, self-deprecating sense of humor is anything  but endearing, and it drives many people away. Orion's introverted  nature and shyness push even more away, leaving very few friends for  Orion. Still, Orion is close to these friends, and is very loyal to  them. He wouldn't do anything for them exactly, but that's only because  he's unwilling to give much else up.

Orion's  background starts with his and his twin sister's naming. Born to a  young Seam couple, there wasn't very much beauty in their lives.  However, the couple decided to name their children after the things in  their life that they found most beautiful: the stars, and nature. Hence  they received the names Orion and Oleander. They were the only children  born to the couple, if only because the couple couldn't afford to  support any other children. A tailor and a coal miner don't make the  most money. Orion is incredibly close to his sister, although he has few  friends otherwise. The family, despite their poverty, is about as  close-knit as possible, and they would do just about anything for each  other.


Orion  had a bad feeling that he would be Reaped, so it came as little shock  to him. His shoulders slumped, and he started scowling more than usual,  but he just walked to the stage like normal. He doesn't want to draw any  attention to himself yet.

Orion  helped out with whatever odd jobs he could, and he has become fairly  strong as a result. He's nowhere near the Careers, but he can take care  of himself.

Orion was taught to sew  by his mother. He can stitch up wounds, and he has a very steady hand.  He hopes this will help in his use of weapons.

Orion is forgettable. He hopes that the other tributes won't target him once the Games start.

Orion  has been malnourished for most of his life, so he won't be quite as  strong as the Careers or other tributes from the richer Districts.

Orion has absolutely  zero experience with weapons or fighting. He didn't even like to rough  house when he was a kid, so the technique involved in fighting won't  come easy to him.

Orion has a very  negative outlook on everything. This might make him give up easily once  he's in the Games, drive away sponsors, and otherwise negatively impact  him.

He  trained with swords, knives, and bows during Training. Although he  isn't very good with any of them, he is passable. It would only take him  two or three shots to get a killing shot, and he can overpower any  unarmed tribute.

Orion's  family didn't really have anything to take in. However, me of their  family friends, a woodworker, gave them a carved bear figurine for him  to take into the Games. It's not much, but it's something.

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