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Well, after eight tasks  and countless amazing entries from a plethora of authors, it's time for  these Games to come to a close. Therefore, I ought to stop stalling and  reveal the final rankings!

In fourth place...

District Ten, Dove Evans - Clove_Thenardier [6]

Physically speaking,  Dove was probably one of the smallest threats in these Games; a little  girl who can't walk, slightly confused about what she's doing, never  would've been expected to have the success she did. However, with some  great writing, she found herself making her way to the finals, touching  us all in her interactions with Hettie, her ally. Sadly, she fell short,  but she had plenty of success anyway.

In third place...

District Thirteen, Ashley Fission - katniss-everdeen [2]

Having come second and  being the highest seed starting in semifinals, Ashley was a threat from  the start, despite a shaky first task and almost dropping out after it -  good thing someone talked you out of it, eh? After killing his brother,  Aries, and taking his place in the Games, Ashley became just a little  off. Navigating the arena half-heartedly, almost aimlessly, he somehow  managed to avoid the other tributes until falling just a little short.  That being said, this author did a phenomenal job, and I can't wait to  see what they have planned for the next round.

And now, in second place...

District Eleven, Hettie Burris - MagmaKepner [4]

Being a semifinalist of Masquerade of Martyrs,  this author was always expected to have success in these Games - and  boy, did she! Pairing her usual strong realism and true-to-life  characterization with the touching storyline of Hettie and Dove, she  touched our hearts at multiple points throughout the Games, proving that  flawless description can come just as well while breaking your heart.  Though she did not quite manage the win this time, her consistently  strong performances make it clear that we're in for quite good things  from her still.

Which means that it is my great honour to announce that the victor of Writer Games: Family Ties is none other than...

Capitol, Anna Smith - Learning_to_Breathe

Being the only  non-seeded player in finals, making it this far was already impressive -  but our beloved bæsian wasn't satisfied with anything less than the win  and brought us a character who had it down since first killing her son  and taking his place. Hungry for fame and wealth to the point of killing  her own son, Anna isn't a character that most of us would've liked in  real lives, but after seeing her masterfully written reasoning and  thought-process, who couldn't love her? I don't think it's by any  stretch of the imagination unearned to see her be crowned as our victor.

Well, that's all for  now! Here's hoping I see you all - I'm not just looking at the finalists  here - on May 22nd when the reservations open for the grande finale - Writer Games: Death Wish!

Writer Games | Masquerade of Martyrs & Family Tiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें