District Four Male: Calder Sertori

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Name: Calder Sertori

Age: 15

District: 4 - Fishing

Physical: Calder -  or Cal, for short - isn't exactly what you'd call 'fit' depending on  your definition of the word; the appearance aspect yes, the physical...  not as much. He stands at about 5'4/5'5 and is just the slightest bit  underweight as his family is one of the poorer in 4. He has 'swoopy'  hair that falls just below his eyebrows and ear-tips and unlike the  blonde hair that usually generates in Four, has ginger hair like that of  District 5. Calder's eyes are a violet-y shade of blue and sparkle  (according to his sisters anyway). Cal may not be the absolute strongest  of the bunch, but is definitely one of the fastest and most flexible  due to his stature. He has pale skin and freckles dotting his nose,  shoulders, and back.

Personality:  Calder is what you could describe as a Rottweiler. Soft and friendly  most of the time, but quick with his temper. If he trusts you, he'll  remain (almost fiercely) loyal and is very protective of the ones he  loves. If he doesn't like you, he most likely will just avoid contact as  he sees no need for useless brawls. But, if you break Cal's trust or  hurt one of his loved ones, he'll be quick to cut you off and can hold a  grudge for as long as ha can if need be and may even start a fight if  he's fired up enough. Calder also has a sense of humour that is great  sometimes, inappropriate at others, but mostly full of bad puns. For the  most part, he can either light up a room when he enters, or cause the  happy atmosphere of others to collapse and turn fearful.

Background:  Calder is the middle child among his three sisters and the only boy in  his house. His father left the family when Cal was five leaving his mom,  his oldest sister Ren, his second oldest sister Crysta, and himself  alone (At the time he had two older sisters rather than just one). When  Calder was 8, Ren was reaped for the games and died at 18; he didn't  quite understand it at the time, but was saddened greatly when he found  out exactly what had happened. The next year, his two younger twin  sisters, Lily and Lola, were born. As Cal grew and got to Reaping age,  he began spending more and more time with his family incase it were to  happen. Although he knew Crysta was safe from the games, he still felt  as if he was the one that needed to stay alive for the twins. Cal is one  of the top students in his year although he is a year too young to work  on the docks. Now, with the twins at 6, Crysta at 21, and himself at  15, Calder is going into the Hunger Games Arena.


Reaction: When  Calder's name was called, his blood ran cold. At first, he didn't quite  register that 'Calder Sertori' was his name and looked around for the  tribute, but it didn't take long for him to realise his mistake, go  stiff, and walk up to the stage with a clenched jaw. He didn't dare let  the tears threading to spill out though, he didn't want to look weaker  than he was sure everyone though he already did. Although, once he was  in the privacy of his room on the train, he let it all out and thought  only of his sisters that he didn't want to disappoint.

Strengths: Calder  is fast and light on his feet, making him hard to hear when he moves.  He's also flexible, and is accustomed to not eating as much as he  should, so he doesn't need a lot of food to stay alert and energised.  Also, because he likes to sneak to the shore at nights, he is a very  experienced swimmer.

Weaknesses: Cal  isn't the strongest horse on the carriage and although he can lift both  of the twins at once, is still a bit weak due to his stature. He also  gets tired easy. Not winded-tired, but near around 10:30-11 at night,  he's drowsy and could fall asleep easy if you let him. Cal also is  afraid of the dark, but only pitch-black. As long as there's at least a  little light, he's good.

Weapon: Calder  prefers to use daggers and throwing knives as he brought knives with him  when he went to the beach at night should anyone come at him.

Token: Cal's token is a silver fishing book on a hide necklace-chain. The hook itself is a just tad rusty and very dull.

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