District Ten Male: Kase Dressel

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Name: Kase Dressel

Age: 17

District 10

Physical Description:  Think of the most ordinary, generic, average person you know. That  image in your mind is probably somewhat close to Kase's appearance. His  dirt-coloured hair hangs limply over his brown eyes. While he's a little  more on the taller side, he has enough muscle from working with the  animals to not appear awkward and lanky. With a pale, round face that's  easily forgettable, Kase isn't one known to stand out in a crowd.

Personality:  Kase isn't exactly social. Nobody's sure if it's just by choice or if  he has some sort of problem, but he tries his hardest to avoid people.  When you do speak to him however it's easy to see that despite not  having much of an education he is extremely intelligent, and not one to  judge people. Every once in a while he might make a joke or a sarcastic  remark, just to confuse people. He seems to enjoy messing with people's  heads, just enough that it's become a sort of problem.

Background:  Kase's life has been like the average life of anyone in Ten. He stayed  in school for a few years, but eventually he left to go find work on one  of the farms that make up the District. While he wasn't particularly  close with his parents, he used to idolize his older brother Callan and  was always extremely overprotective of his younger sister Blye. Callan  found a sort of rush from fighting other kids and stealing, and when he  was sixteen he was taken to the Capitol and either executed or made into  an avox. Kase has since then tried his hardest to shelter Blye from the  rest of the world, to prevent her from becoming a criminal like Callan


Reaction:  Silence. He just walked up on the stage without a word, refusing to  look towards the girl's section in case he made eye contact with Blye.


- While Kase may not be as fit and muscular looking as the Careers, he is fairly strong and can easily hold his own in a fight.

- His mind is one that can think through things quickly, so he can make decisions fast.

- You'd be lying to  yourself if you called Kase a good fighter, but he's gotten himself in a  few fights back in Ten. Not many, but enough to give him a bit of  experience in combat.


- Kase isn't even close  to being social. A man of few words, he won't speak unless he has to and  is definitely not someone who would be a good ally.

- He cannot trust  anyone. He's always uncomfortable being close to people unless they're  family, and he hates talking about himself.

- While he's good at  thinking through things fast, he can be very impulsive as well. If  things don't work out, he'll be sure to blame someone that's not him.

Weapon: Kase has no experience with a weapon in combat, but could probably quickly learn to use a sword or spear.

Token:  Blye's old journal and a pencil. She made him promise to write to her  while in the Games, and he couldn't say no to his sister.

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