District Twelve Female: Hester Irving

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Name: Hester Irving

Age: Twelve

District: Twelve

Physical Description:  A typical look for most of Twelve, her black hair falls straight to the  middle of her back, though it is often, in the trademark of the Seam,  pinned in a single braid that often leaves her hair wavy. Her grey eyes  project innocence and her olive skin is smooth, the symbol of youth. A  large smile lights up many's days as it isn't often that a Seam girl is  found weaving through the crowds to rn to school. She stands at a simple  height of 4'9'', being underfed often and never quite reaching the  height of her peers. At that, she's quite thin, weighing less than a  hundred pounds. All in all, she looks like she would die at the  Bloodbath, but at least she is cute, in that poor, helpless way.

Personality:  Witty- while her appearance may come off small, she knows what to say to  people and knows how to say it well. She's a fan of trying to  understand other people and how they tick, and she can get quite  excitable in general. At home she is more reserved than she is with the  other Seam kids, as her home life requires attention and help. She's a  nice girl but honest, and so while some people may not enjoy her  company, she would rather have a few close friends than many  acquaintances.

Background:  Growing up in the Seam, money and food were always tight, simple  pleasures like butter traded for clothing and when tesserae ran out,  occasional heirlooms for meat to last until reaping time. Her father,  Owen, works in the mines, and as such Hester never really sees him, and  her mother, Margaret, does the housework and shops for necessities.  Hester has two siblings, Mauve, who is seventeen, and Isaac, who is ten.  All of them go to school, but after Mauve's final year at the reaping  she will go into the mines working as a surveyor. All of them don the  signature Seam look, though Mauve, as Hester says, is much prettier than  the rest of them.
Hester went to local school, though she never  really cared for it. She prefers the outdoors, the meadow near the  electrified fence a favourite spot to do homework or to climb the trees.  She enjoys being active with her siblings, like many young children,  and is naïve to the harsh horrors of the world, sheltered in a family  who makes do and loves to make up for it. She tries to get out of her  small home as much as she can, as she finds the neighbourhood really  dreary, but she understands that's the way of life, and that it's home.
All of the siblings have taken or will take tesserae.


Reaction/Reason: She was frowning and holding back tears, but tried to make do and not think of her family.

Strengths:  Running, creating plans to strategize, and hiding. All of these, Hester  thinks, will be enough to keep her hidden and safe until the end.

Weaknesses:  Trusting people- even if she likes to analyze people, she isn't good at  interacting with those she doesn't know, and this could be bad in that  she may trust or not trust others.

Weapon: Something small, like a slingshot or bow and arrow or blow gun. Something that isn't heavy and can be used from a distance.

Token: A pocketwatch, tarnished gold, from her father. It comes on a chain and is one of the family heirlooms.

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