District Seven Male: Kessler Cawes

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Name: Kessler Cawes (Kess)

Age: 17

District: Seven

Physical Description:  Kess has thick, platinum blond hair. He is very tall, over six feet and  uses it to his advantage (i.e. to intimidate people). His skin is  stubbornly pale despite long hours working outside. He has a very square  jaw and high cheek bones. His gray eyes often look almost black, giving  him a very forbidding look which his lack of a smile doesn't help in  the least. He often has a scowl on his face or a look that can only be  described as sarcastic.

Personality:  Kess is very cynical, to a fault. He finds most people irritating and  prefers to work alone. When there's a need, he can work in groups,  although that usually degenerates to him doing all the work because  everyone else isn't working fast/good enough for him. Kess is very  sarcastic and mostly unpleasant to be around.

Background:  Kessler grew up in a huge family, with a mother, father, three brothers  and four sisters. Everyone worked in the lumber industry, cutting and  refining trees before they were sent off for further use. Kessler hated  every moment of it. His family was loud and obnoxious and all he ever  wanted was a moment of peace. He didn't make many friends as a child, as  he was a bit lost in all of his siblings. He was always the odd one  out, but he figured it was because he was the third child. His oldest  brother and sister had gone off to marry and have children of their own,  so now he is the oldest child in the house, leaving him to mostly fend  for himself. It had been his dearest wish growing up, but now that he  had it, he couldn't even enjoy it because he is now competing for his  life. Karma sucks.


Reaction:  In all honesty, he was kind of relieved but that relief disappeared as  he realised he still wasn't able to live his own life. Instead he was  now becoming the Capitol's plaything.

Strengths: He is very independent. He is also very strong from years of working with cutting down trees and refining them.

Weaknesses:  He's quite sure that he's a little bit claustrophobic.He is also very  bad at working with other people, which is a huge detriment in the  Hunger Games.

Weapon: An ax or club or machete. He's quite flexible in this department.

Token: None.

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