District Seven Female: Esmerelda Mae

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Name: Esmerelda Mae
Age: Twelve
District: Seven

Physical Description:  Esmerelda is a young girl of haunting beauty, with pale white skin that  looks almost as if she has never seen the light of day. Her face still  holds the innocent look of a child, wide-eyed and vulnerable much like  prey. Her long, chestnut hair is usually tied back into two braids that  wind their way down her back, her chocolate eyes squinted in a wide  smile. Often, her face is adorned with a crimson blush whenever she is  complimented.

Personality:  Esmerelda has not yet grown up, clinging onto her childhood with both  hands in a District where childhood is essentially a myth. From the  moment she could scramble up the tree in her back garden, she has been  introduced to a life of hard-work and labour. However, she is determined  enough not to let something like that hold her back, and she is willing  to find fun in anything she does. However, being young for her age, she  is easily intimidated by and will believe anything she is told, right  down to even the most extremely ridiculous things.

Background:  Esmerelda is the middle-child out of a family of three, mainly a  babysitter for her younger brother and ignored by her older sister who  frequently admits she would rather have anyone other than 'pathetic  Esmerelda' as a sibling. The family is not the richest within District  Seven, and although they are far from starvation, it takes every family  member to be working to keep them at that level. Esmerelda and her  younger brother work at the top of the trees, stripping off the leaves  of trees which are about to be cut down. Esmerelda's sister juggles her  job as a chainsaw-operator with training to be a teacher, leaving her  frequently exhausted and bad tempered. Still too young to fully  understand how much her sister is doing, Esmerelda simply cannot  understand what happened to her fun-loving sister that used to play all  sorts of imaginary Games with her.

Reaped -  Esmerelda, even though she refuses to grow up, is well aware of what the  Games entail and what hearing her name at a Reaping means. However, she  could not stop herself from collapsing into tears, even if she had  wanted to appear strong.

Strengths -
1) Tree-climbing - Esmerelda has spent most of her lives up trees, and can balance on the most precarious branches.
2)  Vulnerability - Whether it is classed as a strength or not, Esmerelda  is still clearly a child. The only people who can look into her  doe-brown eyes and still stab her through the heart must be truly  heartless.
3) Speed - Esmerelda can hide at the sort of speed that only a child can hide it. It helps if you count to ten.

Weaknesses -
1) Strength -Apart from being able to pull herself up branches, Esmerelda has no strength that could help her in a fight.
2)  Size - If anyone ever attacks Esmerelda, she will never be able to  fight back. A particulary large tribute could probably sit on her and  crush her.
3) Maturity - Esmerelda is a child, and will face things  from that point of view. With no experience of death, blood or pain, it  is likely to affect her.

Weapon - Do you really think that Esmeralda is capable of picking up a sword or a machete? She could really only handle a dagger.
Token - Her charm bracelet, with her favourite charm of a small teddy-bear.

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