District Seven Male: Ryker Woodley

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Author: FlamingFox555

Name: Ryker Woodley

Age: Nineteen

Sex: Male

District: Seven

Physical Description:  Ryker has dirty blond hair that is usually in a quiff. His eyes are  green, and usually in a glare, even though most guys (that's right)  swoon over them. His skin is tan, as usual for a District Seven citizen.  Ryker has full pink lips and freckles dotted on his nose. His head is  oval shaped and his body is muscular. Ryker is very muscular. He has a  chiseled jawline. Overall, Ryker is handsome.

Personality:  Ryker is what you call, bloodthirsty. It is very hard to make Ryker  trust one. If he does trust you he may stab you in the back, just  saying. Unless he really trusts you, then he wont. He loves being evil.  He even goes the point where he seduces people to get what he wants.  Ryker doesn't care about anyone but himself anymore. Ryker actually  loves killing.  He started with kittens and puppies, then moved to  humans. Since he has his looks, he never gets in trouble.

Background: Ryker  wasn't always the way he is now. He use to be a kind soul. He had a  boyfriend, Oakley. His boyfriend promised he would never break his  heart, even gave him a promise ring. Until one day, Ryker went to  Oakley's house. He knocked on the door. Oakley didn't answer. Knocked  again. No answer. He noticed the door was open. Ryker went inside, he  heard slight moans. Ryker ran home and stayed in his room for a month.  Then he promised, he would never trust ANYONE ever again. He then soon  became bloodthirsty. His first target, was Oakley. Ryker also trained  for the games.

Family: Winter Woodley ~ Mother (49)

Pyne Woodley ~ Father (51)

Briar Woodley ~ Sister (21)

Wren Woodley ~ Brother (17)

Mapyle Woodley ~ Sister (15)

Grove Woodley ~ Brother (12)

Ivy Woodley ~ Sister (12)

Forest Woodley ~ Brother (8)

Cedara Woodley ~ Sister (6)


Reaction/Reason: They were gonna send Forest in. Even though, Ryker was going to volunteer anyway.

Strengths: Ryker  is fast, from training. He is also good with an axe and is sneaky. Ryker  is very hard to kill, and is has all the training qualities as a  career. Ryker is also smart and has good instincts. He can sense a lot  of things. Lastly, he is a survivalist.

Weaknesses: Ryker  is untrustworthy sometimes. He can be really brutal. If you ally with  Ryker, he may or may not stab you in the back, literally.

Weapon: Axe or hatchet or throwing axe anything that fits in the axe category, or throwing knives.

Token: A locket with a picture of him and Oakley. It gives him a motivation to kill.

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