District Five Male: Delta Emerson

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Name: Delta Emerson

Age: 14

District: Five

Physical Description:  Delta's hair often looks as if it's on fire; he spikes it up at the  front and ties the back into a little ponytail - and the sides of his  head are shaved. His eyes are dark brown, matching his father's eyes -  everyone else in his family has green-blue eyes. Freckles dot his pale  face and dimples sit on his plump little cheeks. Despite only being  about 5"3', he's incredibly strong and has admirable physique.

Personality:  Delta is a shy little boy, keeping to himself unless he's spoken to.  He's one of those people who remains loyal even in the worst situations,  and he hates arguments. He isn't bossy, but he will push people around  if he finds the time necessary. Delta is more intelligent than most  people from other Districts, naturally, but he isn't the smartest  himself, for he spends more time working hard than studying.

Background:  Delta, the second child of two, has always lived an average life. From  the age of ten, he and his father have worked together, repairing and  transporting objects to and from places. Due to his Dad's status, he's  had permission to leave the District in previous years for extreme  cases, such as the mass boiler breakdown on the largest hovercraft in  Six last year. However, last year, his sister was reaped into the games -  and managed to make it to the final eight. Sierra passed away in the  night from the heat - or the lack of. Since then, Delta has worked extra  hard, training with his work apparatus and free running on buildings in  his free time.


Reaction:  He was so disheartened, knowing that his Dad wouldn't be at his side  the entire time. The goodbye was emotional; he was told not to come back  in a coffin like Sierra did.

Strengths:  Delta is a pretty strong kid for his age; he can tackle challenges that  most people his age in Five can't. He is intelligent; he follows  District tradition. He is also very good at hiding.

Weaknesses:  Delta has never swum in his life; he'll struggle if there is water. He  doesn't know a lot about survival due to living in a factory based  District. He is also too loyal at times.

Weapon: a sickle. His sister used it in her games.

Token: a  little emerald on a ring; he, his sister and his cousin November - who  was thrown into the arena the year before Sierra - all have, or had,  gemmed rings. Green is Delta's favourite colour, so he was given an  emerald ring.

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